12 Responses to “BACK DOOR BAMBI”

  1. Kevin says:

    OK. You guys owe me a new computer! This was my first time checking out your site and it was all cool (and hot) until that fucking picture of Cole boning Bambi showed up. I passed soda thru my nose and spit it all over my computer! I’m still trying to un-stick a couple of the tabs from underneath…I don’t know whether to congratulate you on the hysterical brilliance of that pic; or send you a bill to have my computer thoroughly cleaned and un-stuck!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Kevin! Haha, so sorry to hear about the damage man. Hope you are able to un-stick it all. I’ll def let Cole know that is demented pic got your goat. 🙂 – Hunter

  2. greenboi says:

    Funny. It feels good both ways. Pure bliss.

  3. Adilson says:

    You guyz are HOT!

  4. Ben says:

    Absolutely hilarious, altho some part of my childhood has been ruined by it lol

  5. Edgardo says:

    This image is the maximum I can not stop laughing poor bambi by the expression on his face is going to like hahaha ….!!!!!
    This is better than donald!!

  6. Leandro Santos says:

    ;-O xoxoxoxoxo

  7. Peter says:

    I’m cracking up love it LOL

  8. Roberto says:

    I loved this idea!!! uahuahhua

  9. Tball says:

    I am laughing hysterically.

    I can’t wait to see you two sexy pervs again at Folsom! =)

  10. Nathan says:

    LOL! I actually laughed out loud at the first photo…but was left speechless at Cole going for Bambi.

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