Hey Boyz, this is a P.S.A – Pubic Service Announcement from

Please remember to piss and wash your junk after sex…ESPECIALLY if you are not wearing a condom. Even if you’re just getting head or jerking off, it’s smart to make sure that your frank and beans are clean and happy. If you pee and then wash your block and tackle right after sex, you’ll keep your ding dong clean and fresh while greatly reducing your chances of picking up a urinary tract infection (UTI). Apparently lots of guys just zip-up and walk away – no! no! no! bad bad boys! It’s very important to pee and clear your urethra immediately after sex. If you can’t take a shower at your trick’s house, at least use the bathroom to take a quick piss then drop your cock and balls in the sink for a cat bath. Wash your meat and potatoes with soap and warm water and greatly reduce any chance that bacteria or any other nasty little cock goblin will make your dick its new home.

xoxox Keep your junk safe 🙂


  1. Rob says:

    Great pubic service announcement! Would love to see more of these so we can be more aware!

  2. So_Cal cub says:

    That was THE hottest P.S.A I’ve ever seen….. EVER

  3. norman says:

    Damn! Not too many dudes can say they swing that much junk when they’re flaccid! The first guy in your shower sequence, w/ the luscious cock & tats, is HOT. Thank God for PSAs.

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