THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX: “Anodyspareunia”
OUCH! Pain during receptive anal sex is formally known as, anodyspareunia. One study found that about 12% of gay men find it too painful to pursue, and concluded that the perception of anal sex as painful is just as likely to be psychologically or emotionally based as it is to be physically based. Another study that examined pain during insertive and receptive anal sex in gay men found that 3% of tops (insertive partners) and 16% of bottoms (receptive partners) reported significant pain. Factors predictive of pain during anal sex include inadequate lubrication (so LUBE UP BOYS!), feeling tense or anxious (TAKE YOUR TIME TAKE IT SLOW), lack of stimulation (EAT THAT ASS before you slip it in), and lack of social ease with being gay and being closeted, so lube that “STRAIGHT guy” up good before you fuck him.
Research has also found that psychological factors can in fact be the primary contributors to the experience of pain during anal intercourse and that adequate communication between sexual partners can prevent it so COMMUNICATE! Hunter and I have always told you COMMUNICATION IS KEY to countering the notion that pain is always inevitable during anal sex. The abundance of nerve endings in the anal region and rectum makes anal sex VERY pleasurable for many men and women. The opening and closing of the anus is controlled by the internal and external sphincter muscles AKA the “Chocolate Star Fish.” The sphincter muscle is a sensitive membrane with many, many, many, many, sexy little nerve endings and thus the source of pleasure or pain. Yes there is that FINE LINE between pleasure and pain. In a male receiving partner, being penetrated can produce a pleasurable sensation due to the inserted penis rubbing or brushing against the prostate YAY!!! PROSTATE, we love our PROSTATES – also known as the “male G-Spot”, “P-Spot”, “A-spot” and of course the “Maverick Muscle.” This can result in extremely pleasurable sensations, screaming, and inevitably an orgasm like no other in most cases. For some men, prostate stimulation produces an orgasm that they describe as deeper, MORE GLOBAL and intense, longer-lasting, and associated with greater feelings of ecstasy than any orgasm elicited by penile stimulation alone. Just sayin’…