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July 25th, 2015

Meet our adorably-super cute, super fan, TANK! Tank has been following our sexcapades from day one on Xtube. And now, a week doesn’t go by that we don’t text, email or otherwise chat with him. He’s one of the sweetest guys we’ve ever met. And it was a total surprise to learn that Tank wanted the MM logo tattooed on his cute little butt. Hunter and I tried to talk him out of it, but TANK isn’t called “tank” for nothing; once he gets his mind set, he’ll plow through with tank-like determination to do what he wants. Tank is truly a Maverick. We took him to a tattoo parlor in Miami, whipped out our cameras, and the rest is now Maverick Men history!

We first met Tank in person years ago at Sand Blast, when he attended our Maverick Men late night jock strap party. His lover Josh, is a newbie fledgling porn star so we invited them both along on a Maverick Men Directs shoot. Tank had a blast on the shoot and the rest of the guys instantly fell in love with him (and yes of course they all wanted to fuck his sweet little ass but that’s another story for another video). You’ll see all that fun and hotness later on We were all surprised at how well Tank handled all those giant cocks in that little butt. So hot! Tank, if you’re reading this, we love you man!


Cole and Hunter










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20 Responses to “WE LOVE TANK!!!”

  1. JayChiSoFlaCouple says:

    We love love love tank and would love to see my bf’s 8.5 and my 7.5 DPing that sexy little biscuit. Isn’t he in So Fla? We are.

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      OMG yes Tank is AWESOME he is our #1 fan and I dont say that lightly he got our MaverickMen logo tatted n his little butt lol I’m sure he would be into meeting two hung nice guys, his lover would be too (they are open) but no they are not in SF they are in Philly.

  2. JayChiCouple says:

    Ok. We LOVE tank and definitely think he would make a hot 3rd for us to play with. Would love to see my bf’s 8.5 and my 7.5 cocks DPing that adorable ass. Isn’t he in South Fl – we are!

  3. ronilson says:

    my baby!!!!

  4. Alex says:

    I’m from Hartford, CT, Love you Tank I would love to suck your cock and Lick that Ass anytime Baby

  5. Jake Edwards says:

    Tank’s ass is even hotter in person!!!!

  6. carlos says:


  7. kelley says:

    I’d bet, with as little as Tank is, we’d see your cocks come out his throat while you both fuck him….just sayin’

  8. kelley says:

    why have you men never fucked Tank on MM? I want to see you boys use that hot little fucker

  9. Tank says:

    Damn! That Tank boy has a great ass! I think you two need to put that branded ass to use! 😉

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      Grrrrr you hot little slam pig!!!! Haha we got plans for you fo sho! 🙂 – xoxo Hunter

      • Tank says:

        Yes! Can’t wait guys! It’ll be a blast! All the love hope you guys are doing well! Have fun at the sinners ball!
        Tank xoxo

  10. Ceola says:

    A www he’s cute

  11. Chrix says:

    When does the group video come out?

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      All of the scenes that we shoot during this amazing trip will be on over the next several months. 🙂 – Hunter

  12. Trey Pi says:

    Tank is such a cutie and I can’t wait to see him take all those big dicks :))))

  13. Levi Djax says:

    I love all of you guys!

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Back by popular demand is our super hot and straight-ish boy toy, Tom. We invited him over for some chill time by the pool but we had an ulterior motive; we wanted to get naked with him and rail his sweet, tight ass. Fortunately for us, Tom said we was missing on us big time and he was in serious need for our hard cocks in his ass. Bingo! We started pool-side with some good old sloppy wet head and then it quickly moved into me eating his sweet ass while Hunter 69’ed with him. We took things indoors for some hard ass pounding, but we ran into some trouble; Tom didn’t like the lube we were using on him and said it was burning his hole. So, we showered him down and kicked-back for a bit. Tom was still craving our dicks. He told us to lick his hole and get it sloppy-wet so we could finish pounding his pucker. Tom loved every inch. Who knew that spit-fucking straight ass could be so fun?

Thanks for stroking with us!!

xoxo Cole and Hunter







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10 Responses to “SPIT-FUCKING STRAIGHT BOY!!!”

  1. Roger says:

    He lives in Boston too ?

  2. dennis says:

    is this in florida?

  3. Anthony Colletti says:

    So hot guys! Enjoyed this video

  4. Shayne says:

    Sexy love his cute feet I dm you in Instagram

  5. G says:

    LOVE me some toy boy Tom 🙂 thanks guys woof

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It’s that time of year again; time for a big ol ball of SINNER’S! We hosted the Sinner’s Ball at club MaineStreet in Ogunquit Maine a few years back and had a total blast. Honestly, I think to date it was the best best-butt contest we’ve ever hosted. Check out the insane video (above) from the last time we hosted. Get your gear and get up to Maine and sin with us!!!


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8 Responses to “JOIN US AT THE SINNER’S BALL!!!”

  1. Ron says:

    Was so great to meet you guys!! Everyone had a blast and thank you!! xo

  2. Bolivar says:

    I am going to the Sinner’s Ball in main street in Ogunquit I even request to have the weekend off. I can’t wait to meet you guys for real, I’ve had jerk off so much online I love you guys, you guys are the hottest porn gay couple in the net

  3. MN says:

    YES! So happy to hear you both coming back for another Ball. I meet you both last time and hope to get a picture (and a a hug, too) this time.

  4. dan says:

    looks like a great time you guys and I will try to make it

  5. pete says:

    This is an epic video haha

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July 13th, 2015

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16 Responses to “MORE RANDOM OUTTAKES!”

  1. Gabriel says:

    Hunter saludos de panama estas buenisimo.

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      Loose google translation: Hunter Greetings panama these great.

      Muchas gracias, Gabriel!! Hugs from Boston! 🙂 – Hunter

  2. Derek says:

    Hunter: did you get to play around with those red hightops? Try em on, sniff em while fucking the hot tattooed guy?

  3. Ben says:

    I was on that boat with you guys! Would love to see more :))

  4. C says:

    You always skip over the black ppl. I want to see more black ppl. We always get a lil 2 second snippet and everybody else gets a long one. Smh

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      I can’t believe you are saying this! We NEVER do that! Our site is by the people for the people and we fuck em as they come to us. Maybe you should step up and represent! 😉 – Hunter

  5. MplsTop says:

    Have you guys seen Sense8, the Netflix original series? The actor’s boyfriend looks like Hunter!

  6. Deano says:

    FUCK I wanna give the spear to Ren!!!!!!! I wanna just slide in balls deep! That’s all

  7. karl says:

    having good time

  8. rich says:

    so much delicious booty keep it coming pleeeeeeease

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Hunter and I were enduring the FREEZING cold and blizzards of Boston with our best bud Vic. We were having lots of fun frolicking in the snow, getting naked, and having some laughs. But that got old/COLD really fast. Vic had the awesome idea of escaping the frozen tundra of Boston to spend some time on the nude beaches of south Florida. Vic’s wish is our command, so we flew down for a week with Vic where we went nude sun bathing and skinny dipping, and plenty of fucking! We had some hot car sex and when we got back to our room, Vic literally locked us in with him and went to town on us. I have said it before and I’ll say it again; this guy is the best sex ever!











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13 Responses to “FUCK ME WHERE IT’S WARM!!!”

  1. DJ says:

    Is there any film footage of “A special day hanging out with Our super adorable talented sexy friend Vic :)”?

  2. Kasnar says:

    You look like you spent a fun time at the northern end of Haulover Beach — where most of us gays hang out. Sorry to have missed you…..;-)

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      Hell yes we did! We love it there and plan to get back asap. Maybe we’ll bump into you then. 🙂 – Hunter

  3. Nick says:

    very hot! how old is Vic

  4. frank says:

    How do i get to join you guys

  5. Riley says:

    hot stuff and you should fuck me next

  6. tommy gills says:

    This is REALLY hot you guys!! Vic is the new Billy.

  7. dave says:

    A nice hairy hole is very warm place indeed!

  8. Nail says:

    I love Vic and please give us more vids with him!

  9. ROD says:


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4 Responses to “JOIN US FOR SANDBLAST JULY 17-19!!!”

  1. Levi Willis Carbone says:

    I can’t wait to see you gusy again at this party, was so great meeting and hugging you at the last one 🙂 x

  2. Jeffrey says:

    If u get to a pool, can you do duck diving in speedos?

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NYC Pride 2015 was a historic moment in time, not just for gays, lesbians and trans but for ALL Americans. We were so happy to be part of this amazing moment in our history. Obviously, we had a fun time at Club Ritz with our fans and friends, but the best part was the NYC VIBE! Just walking around the streets of NYC you could feel the love everywhere. If you’ve never been to NYC pride, you’re seriously missing out. Especially if you are a newbie gay boy; we highly recommend adding it to your bucket list.

xoxo Cole and Hunter







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  1. moose says:

    Why do I always miss you guys!!!! I was there for pride in nyc for 3 days

  2. Danny says:

    Happy pride to you both and thank you for keeping it real all this time! xo

  3. Arugo says:

    Thanks for the best pride ever! I finally got my Maverick Men jock strap! So happy

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  1. dan says:

    We are loving the new site guys and can’t wait to see what you give us next, more please! !

  2. Phillip says:

    Yes keep the DIRECTS coming! The whole concept is freaking hot. I also love that you guys are involved a little too (lifting his shirt and helping with lube). Now if only i could get my straight married manager lol.

  3. tyty says:

    when are we gonna get to see cole bottom for you?!?! im so anxious!

  4. James says:

    Wow really hot scene guys! Will we see this here or just on the other site?

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      Glad you liked it, James! This scene will only appear on our new site, but we have a VERY hot vid with us and Ren coming up soon! 🙂 – Hunter

  5. Cha says:

    Fuck that Ren is one hot motherfucker for sure, love that fat banana dick on him, thanks men.

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