Slider by IWEBIX

We were recently asked to take part in a documentary on the subject of masculinity by Andrew Extein, a student from USC School of Social Work.  At first I was reluctant because we didn’t want our fem boys to feel slighted.  We love and value our fem gay boys and feel that they are a very important part of who we are culturally.  And, we love to fuck them, lol.  But then we met Andrew and we talked more about his intriguing project, and we quickly knew we needed to take part.

We welcomed him and his documentary crew into our home and our lives and let them ask whatever they wanted.  Andrew’s questions were very thoughtful and we really felt as though we were contributing to something important.  We can’t wait to see the finished product!  As the day turned to night, the filming went great and the three gents (all named, Andrew) stuck around after for some NON-SEXUAL fun.  I have to admit that the sexual tension in the room was evident from all corners of our house (see pics).  Some clothing did come off and some eyebrows were raised and some crotches were BULGING, mostly mine and Hunter’s, lol.  Had Hunter and I not just blown our loads, we would have tried to instigate something for sure.  The Andrews Three were a pleasure to chill with and they are welcome back anytime.  Specifically, Hunter and I feel we need to revisit the BULGING crotch situation; these boys were pretty modest, but you never know.

MASC is a documentary short that explores the fetish of masculinity in gay and queer communities through the eyes of self-described “masc” gay “bros” and other gender paradoxes. Currently a student at USC School of Social Work, Andrew Extein is calling attention to the values within gay and queer communities that have the potential to harm, while at the same time providing a deeply empathic portrait of compelling characters. Combining a background in visual art, a passion for social justice, and insight into gay culture, the filmmaker is questioning what it means to be gay – and what it means to be a man.

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  1. Sam says:

    The Andrews Three are super hot ESPECIALLY the one next to Hunter, I swear if i wasn’t taken, the best part is that on top of the hotness they’re also smart… love a smart guy. There’s nothing harder than brains

  2. Homoguy says:

    I’ll have to think for a while about why I have this urge to know if their gay, or not.Maybe it’s more than just curiosity.Is it just me, or do you ever walk down the street, pass by some guy, and think”is he?”.I do whenever i’m in boystown.If I think about it a little further it goes into “Do I even have a shot?””Does he like guys?””Does he have a boyfriend?”….and even if it’s not me I kind of like thinking of him with a guy.LOL, am I weird?

  3. Homoguy says:

    I guess I wanted to know if the Andrews were gay because I have a…..clanish? attitude about being gay.I’m always like “oh, he’s one of us”.”He’s family”.LOL.I’m just curious, plus they are really cute.I bookmarked their tumblr page.When do you think the project will be finished.I can’t wait to see it.

    • Andrew says:

      Yep, a bunch of gay Andrews. Thanks for the compliment 🙂 The project is sort of evolving into more of a web-based film series as well as original content including writing, art, and interviews. When I complete the Maverick Men video, they will post it and I’ll have the link up to the new website. I’m very glad you are interested in the project, and keep up with the tumblr! Feel free to send me a message any time.


  4. Cole Maverick says:

    Yes what he said lol

  5. Homoguy says:

    First off, this is my first time ever posting to your site even though i’ve followed you since the earlier xtube days.Second, please tell me those guys are actually gay.I’m assuming they are, but I gotta know….which brings me to the subject.I get it.We put masculinity on a pedestal and if you’re not masculine you feel like you are not of value, or atleast sexually desireable.We don’t want to make people feel that way and when ever this comes up It can be uncomfortable and i’m always worried about sounding homophobic, but at the same time I feel like sometimes masculinity itself has become politically incorrect.

    We’re gay men.We’re attracted to men, so logically, it stands to reason that we would be attracted to masculinity and we shouldn’t feel ashamed of that either.I’ve seen 2 documentaries like this, The Butch Factor and Straight Acting, and truth be told when I see those guys who don’t “seem” stereotypically gay, hot guys playing football, hockey, ect. and they’re openly gay and proud…..there’s some part of me thinking “thumbs up for our team”.I think we get stripped of our own masculinity and tend to think of ourselves a certain way.

    I think that’s a big part of the whole straight guy fetish that dominates gay porn these days and why a lot of guys don’t come out.How many guys have you 2 picked up that said they were “straight” and then had his ass up in the air 5 seconds later?They probably don’t want to be “gay”….as in I don’t walk around in crazy pinch tight clothes, have a high pitched voice, walk with a limp wrist, singing show tunes, so I must not be gay.

    It’s a mind fuck and honestly it makes me sad.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey The Andrews three are hot boys that’s for sure, and to answer your question, you would have to ask them 🙂 obviously if they are doing a documentary on gay stuff, its a good bet that they are all gay, but I’m not telling lol, I think they are open in every way but I don’t want to OUT one or all if they are still in the closet or whatever, so maybe when they see this comment they will tell let u know if they are into the sausage, until then you will just have to wonder lol As far as the whole masc fem thing, it’s tough its all a gray area as far as I am concerned, you cant peg any one into anything like that..I mean there are fem guys and masc guys some are hot some are not, i think there is more to a man than his macho side, I have been to bed with quite a few guys and the most fem guys can shock you with how hard core and tough they are in the sheets, and the most masculine jacked guys are little flowers in bed, so ya just cant tell. Hunter and I love masculine guys and femmy boys; we see the hotness evident in both. It’s all good with us if u are what u are, we don’t care as long as u can bring sexy to the table…I do think this documentary is a great idea, I love the way they are progressing and I see only good things coming from it, in the mean time don’t be sad and mind fucked lol just be who u are and do who u wanna do and don’t get crazy over it, at the end of the day its about making a connection, to hot sex that hopefully will result in a great long lasting honest relationship.


    • Andrew says:

      Hey Homoguy!

      It’s Andrew the filmmaker. Why do you want to know if the Andrews are gay or not?

      I totally understand your apprehension of projects like this. Masculinity can get vilified in a reactionary way, but that is more of an old-school feminist way of viewing masculinity. Contemporary critical views of masculinity is more empathic: how does masculinity affect both men and women? It has positive attributes, such as emphasizing confidence, outspoken-ness, independence–as well as negative: aggression, violence, close-minded-ness, suppressing emotions. I think the point of all this is to analyze masculinity in all its forms to see how it affects us all. Some people are just masculine, yes, that is great. I want to dig deeper though. What is the experience of someone who is masculine, and how do they view their own gender? What is their history? What messages did they learn about gender and sexuality growing up? While people don’t often like hearing about this, gay shame is very real and we all have very conflicted relationships with our sexual identity. It’s not as simple as “i’m masc” or “I’m femme.” we don’t live in vacuums or bubbles. I am trying to sift through these complexities.

      I am VERY glad you are raising questions and critiquing, though. It is so important for the conversation, and I encourage you to follow the project.


  6. Cole Maverick says:

    Our Pleasure Andrew, can’t wait to see the finished product 🙂

    Cole and Hunter

  7. Andrew says:

    Hey everyone. This is Andrew, the filmmaker. Check out the website for the project here:

    I’d love to hear your feedback! Thanks Cole & Hunter for participating, once again.

  8. Edgardo says:

    man’s masculinity
    I think it’s a very controvercial for society but I think we are all gay men, bisexual, heterosexual or transsexual will never stop being who we are men. That means spitting anywhere, belching, scratching the member, being dirty or having the need to fuck like crazy.
    This latter is what many straight men are afraid of a homosexual that are better than they when thinking about sex and heterosexual men also do not admit even like to be massaged the anus and I think effeminate to man but has a little manly.
    And who better to talk about you more manly men of the world.

  9. adrien says:

    I would have been great to see you 5 fuck together…

  10. Matt says:

    You two are the PERFECT selection by these guys to contribute to a piece on masculinity in this day-and-age. Now,don’t get me wrong–I love your porn vids, but when you expand beyond that with projects like this & the book, it makes me even more into you. I admire your ambition & seemingly non-stop ability to seize the moment! (and your asses–definitely admire your asses 😉

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Matt, thanks so much for the love! We are having so much fun with all of this stuff. Glad to know you are, too. 🙂 – Hunter

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June 30th, 2011

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12 Responses to “GO GO GAY MARRIAGE!”

  1. TightBottomSlutNC18 says:

    have you ever done a video with a thick guy? not chub but not a twink either?? i love both of you guys.
    when are you guys coming to North Carolina?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      We love sexy thick boys and we’ve def rolled around with a few on vid. Check out Virgin Cherry Pop fucking Straight Boy (with our boy Oakley). We’ll let ya know when we get down to NC. You keep in touch! 🙂 – Hunter

  2. Ernesto says:

    You have a no.1 fan already in Guatemala. Congrats.

  3. davey says:

    Hell Yeah i can come and play with you guys ! just let me know when and time and where.. ill def. be there.

    NYC !!

  4. Davey says:

    Questions, when are you guys will be in New York City ? Would LOVE to meet you guys..


    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Davey, I’m not sure when we’ll hit NYC next. We are scheduled in NJ next for Sandblast Weekend at Asbury Park – third weekend of July. Come play with us! – Hunter

  5. Edgardo says:

    is good for you to express your love without any prejudice, because although his work involves different guys to fuck is good because anyone would get bored of fucking the same person all his life. it’s like eating pie every day that this is boring??

  6. richard says:

    happy times 🙂

    So when you guys cum in Europe? in particular in Portugal 😀

    até mais logo 😉

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Richard, no plans for Portugal just yet. Next Euro trip for us is Stockholm Pride during the first week of August. You be sure to let us know if you make it to Boston! 🙂 – Hunter

  7. Davey says:

    you guys are adorable !!!!

    New York City

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June 27th, 2011

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7 Responses to “GAY DISNEY WAS A BLAST!!!”

  1. Marc says:

    So will you be attending 2012? it’s coming up

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Yes!!!! We’ll def be there, putting together a blog post on it now, see you at Typhoon!!! 🙂 – Hunter

  2. Al says:

    looks like you had fun at typhoon lagoon. i know i did. only thing is we didnt take any pictures or video. how freakin stupid. any chance you guys will post your whole video of that? i would love to see it, so i can have flashbacks to that day, and so i can look for myself in it.
    great website btw. you guys remind me of my best friends.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Al, Typhoon is the best, right!? I’ll see what other footage we have from all that craziness, not sure if we have much more either. Keep in touch man! 🙂 – Hunter

  3. jamir21 says:

    love yall guys !

  4. Ken says:

    Haha, great vid. From Orlando and only wish I could have met you guys. I have to say it has never occurred to me to pose with the Dr. Seuss statues like you guys did. Now everytime I walk by them Im going to be laughing my ass off. Live it up Studs.

    A Big Fan

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27 Responses to “WE LOVE CLUB ROCKS IN ALBANY!!!”

  1. Peter says:

    I miss Albany-I shouldnt have drank so much!!

  2. Mr Norway 2011 says:

    What is the name for the song in the end? Btw, love to be the next boycherry! haha! ;P XP ^^
    Big x

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks, man! The name of the song is “Bittersweet Symphony” by the Verve, the version playing in the vid is a remix, I think. – Hunter

  3. Dan says:

    What will be the name of the video you did with the winner so we can look out for it?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      We haven’t titled it just yet, but we’ll make a big ol ruckus when we do post it. Thanks, Dan! 🙂 – Hunter

  4. Nick says:

    Did you do the guy wearing the black glasses?

  5. Tamie says:

    Great video, good to see you guys having such a great time! Just ordered your 2nd dvd…can’t wait to watch! 🙂

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks, Tamie! We had a BLAST at Club Rocks! Can’t wait to hit it again. Let us know what you think of our 2nd dvd! The Virgin Cherry Pop series from the same distributor should start selling after the summer! – Hunter

      • Tamie says:

        Finally got my DVD…From Bad Ass to Pussy Boy in the mail yesterday! Woot, woot! 🙂 It was a source of great inspiration! 😉 Can’t wait for the next!!!

  6. pete says:

    you guy’s are the best…. love that hairdo Hunter – not that you did’nt look good before but now dam your so dam cute…..

  7. josh says:

    hey u have have been to Orlando right? i was wondering what bars down there r good to hit up

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Josh, we’ve been to Orlando a few times but always for Gay Days at Disney. We’ve still never been to a gay bar down there. If I hear of anything I’ll shoot you an email. – Hunter

  8. Adam says:

    That blond kid in the glasses is fucking cute as fuck!

  9. Davey says:

    by the way HUNTER your haircut look great and you re HOT as always !! WINK !! I would LOVE doing with you and Cole !!

  10. federico says:

    hey hunter, cool haircut dude!

  11. Fernando A says:

    Wow…this site is amazing.
    You guys are so hot…wouldn’t mind doing that with you 😛
    Hot vids 😀

  12. Davey says:

    damn you guys having blast !!! NOW Im so curious about the end.. who is that cute butt laying on bed !! cant wait to check it out !!!!!!! he must be hell of CUTE !!! mmmmmmmmmm

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      We had a BLAST at Club Rocks in Albany! Highly recommend it! And yes; that boy is a MEGA hottie! Can’t wait for you to see the hot hot vid we did with him. It was his first time! – Hunter

  13. Mark says:

    What was the winners name he is HOT how was his ass? bet you both rimmed him good!

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June 23rd, 2011

So why is it that we love busboys, severs, and kitchen boys (especially the Brazilian ones)? Is it because Braza boyz are just the hottest out there? Maybe it’s because we love to watch them in their kitchen whites, with their big bulges and sweet round asses. We are always flirting with severs and busboys. We have met some seriously hot guys like this sexy fuck named, Kenedy (with one “N”). He’s a 20 year old, blue-eyed Brazilian with an insatiable appetite for man meat. We heard about Kenedy through our friend Gary at OnTheHunt. Gary worked with him on an OTH video shoot and the guy was HOT and fun in the sack, and it just so happened that he is a fan of our videos. It turns out that Kenedy works part time at a restaurant in Chicago and we were in town visiting for the Grabbys.

So, we swung by to pay him a visit.  Before we even started chatting him up, Kenedy was cruising the hell out of us. Hunter sent me to follow him to the bathroom in the restaurant. I did, and I found him with pants down and fat cock out!  He motioned for me to come in and whispered that he was a fan. When he saw that I had my camera out he giggled and was totally into getting filmed, so naturally I quickly squeezed his big uncut Brazilian cock and sweet round ass. I whipped out my hog and face fucked him for a bit. I texted Hunter to come down for a taste and he did. We agreed that we needed to fuck this boy, pronto. It was pretty crowded in the restaurant so we made plans to meet later in our hotel room. He got off work early and came right over with his ID and testing papers so we decided to make a hot fuck video right then and there. Man did we fuck the hell out of this hottie. We showed him how to eat ass and take a dick. There are a ton of hot cum shots and deep hard penetration shots in this video. We fucked a few times and blew our loads down his throat, on his face, and all over his sweet little ass. You guys will love this Brazilian hottie. Keep an eye out for him; Hunter predicts that Kenedy will become a legit porn star bottom.

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22 Responses to “BRAZILIAN BUSBOY BANG!!!”

  1. Mike says:

    This video still gets me every time. Probably one of the hottest videos of all time. Thanks for helpin me get off.

  2. walson says:

    U guys are formidable am in Cameroon how can i get to u

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      Woof! I love being formidable!!! We live in Boston and travel all over. Click this link and follow the steps to send us your pics and info. Happy New Year!! 🙂 – Hunter

  3. Michel Silva says:

    i want to be the next brazilian gay at your bed
    i put it on my wish list to santa.
    hope you be here in december
    i m starving for your cum

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, thanks Michel! Maybe if you’re a good boy Santa will bring you what you’re asking for. 🙂 – Hunter

  4. brook khalle says:

    u guys are so hot on camera i wana be u guys 😉

  5. jerry hall says:

    love it very hot

  6. jamir21 says:

    that was awesome ! >3 Cole and Hunter

  7. angelus says:

    J ADORE ……………………Vous etes toujours aussi bandant les mec.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Loose translation: J ADORE … … … … … … … … You are still the horny guy.

      Merci, Angelus! Nous aimons toujours avoir de vos nouvelles! – Hunter

  8. njguy2221 says:

    If you guys want Brazilian Ass…Or HOT Portugese/Spanish Ass….you guys need to come to Newark NJ Great to have you enjoy some JERSEYguys! Or how bout a visit tot he Jersey Shore!!!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Sounds fun, man! We are coming to Asbury Park the third week of July. Can’t wait!!!! – Hunter

  9. john says:

    damn that was fucking hottt! you guys need to come to phoenix

  10. Fernando says:

    I´d really love be your next brazilian boy. I love you guys.

  11. cyhn says:

    Congratulations to a very good performance

  12. adrien says:

    Oh my god. He is so hot. He’s the cuttest one of all those studs you fucked. Was his ass good ?

  13. Mark says:

    What can I say Cole you out did yourself with this guy and Hunter wish I could get you to eat my ass sometime like that

  14. Davey says:

    that is soo fucking HOT !!! whoa…

  15. Mark says:

    FUCKING hot as always. Love you guys

  16. Harrison says:

    Three hot studs!
    Love it when you double penetrate your bottoms… more of that please 🙂

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June 20th, 2011

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17 Responses to “WE LOVE YOU GUYS!”

  1. Brandon says:

    Why do you guys not wear condoms?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Brandon, sometimes we do. You can read all about our philosophy on this topic on our “How We Play” page. – Hunter

  2. vlan says:

    fuck me cole maverick !!!

  3. cesar says:

    muy bueno!!! soy de argentina! esta es la mejor pagina porno lejos!!!! les doy para que tengan y guarden a los 2!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      My bad translation: very good! I’m from Argentina! this is the best porn page away!! I give to have and keep at 2!

      Thanks, Cesar! We’ll keep the videos coming for you! 🙂 – Hunter

  4. Brad says:

    i’d love to take your huge cocks btw 😉

  5. Horny frat says:

    The translation from the french line: Your site is really genious and that’s why we love you :p

  6. angelus says:

    Vous avez beaucoup de fan qui vous aime …..votre site es tro genial cest pour ça quon vous aime:))))

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      My loose translation: You have a lot of fan who loves you … .. your site are cest tro genial why quon love you :))))

      Merci, Angelus! Big hugs to you from Boston!!!! 🙂 – Hunter

  7. Remy says:

    I freakin love Your Videos. They really really know how to hit the spot! i’ve seen alot of Good Porn but your vids unlike others excite a hidden unexplainable spot in me and doubles my intensity. I remember the 1st Time I saw your videos a few months back a close friend of mine had showed it to me on Xtube. we both have a Taste for Men older than us so when he was like Remy watch this. i was in for a real treat. never have I been open enough to JO in front of my bud but that day I did XD thanks again for the videos you make ^.^

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Remy! Your message made us smile big man, thanks so much! Jerkin with your bud, hu? Now THAT’S some hot stuff! 🙂 – Hunter

  8. JT says:

    I wish that paper wasn’t blocking the rest of your sexy bod 😉 hot cock.

  9. Davey says:

    mmm NICE COCK !! i cud suck your cock really GOOD boi !!! and fuck you damn GOOD !!!

  10. Brad says:

    Thats me!!!!

  11. fbrand12345 says:

    i’m a fan of that fan 😀

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Come join us for the all the crazy fun!  We are hosting a Boy Butt Contest with $100 cash prize to the first place winner!

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  1. Keronche says:

    Hey Guys …Love your videos ….any chance you’ll be headed down to the Pittsburgh PA area ….Would love to have some hot fun with you guys….Keep up the good work…:)

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey there, thanks for the love! No plans for PA just yet, but we do have a bunch of travel coming up. We’ll try to get it all posted on the blog soon. Keep in touch! – Hunter

  2. tralan says:

    you guys need to cum to northern new york to keep us warm up here… 😉

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      We were just in Albany and had a blast. We’re in NYC now for Pride. Come play with us! 🙂 – Hunter

  3. Jus says:

    hey guys…….do you guys ever come to see atlantic city, in New Jersey. Its a great night light place…come visit me i would love for you guys to fuck my tight big ass!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Jus! We are coming to Asbury Park the third week of July. Come and play with us! – Hunter

  4. Josh says:

    Josh you are one lucky guy . Hunter And Cole why don’t you guys come to Portland Oregon come see me or stop by the gas station by my 🙁 Portland is weird you would love it!!!!!!!!!!! haha

    -Much love your new frat boy Josh from Oregon

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Have always wanted to see Portland. Better yet; have always wanted to fuck a cutie down at a gas station in Portland. 😉 – Hunter

  5. ian says:

    when u guys coming back to albany

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Ian, not sure just yet man. I think we’ll be at Asbury Park the 3rd week of July. When I have more info we’ll do a blog post. 🙂 – Hunter

  6. dav... says:

    hi im from costa rica i love u vídeos i santa fuck with u!

  7. grayboxerbriefs says:

    saw you at Machine! I even got a free DVD for shakin my ass…I didn’t win, though 🙁 At least I can say I am absolutely sure my butt was hairier than anyone else’s up there.

  8. ian says:

    sorry i miss u guys in albany want to join in your movies need some cash how can i hook up with u guys please email me tell me more information thanks man love your movies

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Ian, sorry we missed you, too. We don’t pay guys to do vids with us – all the guys in our vids are fans that have contacted us to be in one. – Hunter

  9. ali says:

    i wanna meet u inti tunisia

  10. josh says:

    I KNEW IT oh my god that shit is hilarious considering I’ve only seen like 2 or 3 of your videos, although I did crack the fuck up when I got back into the car from how you guys kept staring at me. I’ll be at Providence Pride tomorrow.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      We couldn’t take our eyes off you, sexy boy. 🙂 Hey, we’ll be at Providence Pride tomorrow, too. Come star in a vid with us 😉 – Hunter

  11. josh says:

    Oh, shit I think it was you guys actually, I just saw you were in albany and the gas station was like 10 miles outside of Albany. I was the boy standing in line that you and your friend kept staring at once you got outside.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Josh! You sexy cute fuck! Haha, so glad you messaged us. Yes, we def noticed you, sexy boy. Yup, we were just getting into Albany for our crazy-ass night at club Rocks. Was a blast. Keep in touch! – Hunter

  12. josh says:

    I know this sounds crazy, but I could have sworn I saw you guys in a gas station in New York the other weekend. Was that you guys?

  13. vallentyne says:

    eu queria fazer um filme com voçes tem como??
    me responda por favor..!!!

  14. kevin says:

    I asked cole & hunter if they’d fuck me without doing it on video and they said no. How about the winner of the best ass contest gets fucked by cole & hunter without needing to do it on video? I’d enter the contest if that was the prize

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, like the way you think, Kevin, but we’ll have to stick to the contest with the way it is. 😉 – Hunter

  15. ian says:

    when u guys coming to albany hook me up

  16. brian says:

    i just want to know if you are gonna be at providence pride on saturday (6-18), i know you two loved it last year

    big bear brian

  17. ceola says:

    YEEAA!! Come to Houston!! I don’t want to fuck. I just want to meet the Maverickmen

  18. Ozzy says:

    When are yall coming to visit me in TEXAS? I sent yall an email before hehe, wish yall would come to make a new another virgin cherry pop video 🙂

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Ozzy! We should be down to TX later this year (when it gets cold up here). We gotta live-up this heat while we can. 🙂 – Hunter

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June 15th, 2011

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  1. I (3 cole says:

    hello cole please fuck me !!!!!

  2. James says:

    & the buzzed had droopey eyes and crap (; xD lol.

  3. James says:

    Are you guys stoners? 🙂 I saw on your hat that it said buzzed hahaha. If you do then that’s amazing. Just makes me love you guys even more.<3 😉

  4. ben says:

    the funny thing is if that guy would come to atlanta and play music . he’d be making alot more money

  5. adrien says:

    Lot of fun.
    When will you post a new hot video ? wanna see you fuck a young msn.

  6. Adam says:

    Hahaha, I like how you got the 1 man band at the end to replace saints with maverick men 🙂

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