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January 9th, 2011

So Cole gets plenty of morning wood, but he HATES MORNING SEX!?!

I try to get Cole to give me some in the morning, but it’s like waking a grouchy bear…he growls, NO Hunter!  You guys know how mega horny I am, pretty much 24/7, so what the fuck am I supposed to do?  He’s my breakfast of champions!  Help me out!


(Here’s what Cole has to say)… I the only one out there that hates mornings sex? I mean come on, its kinda gross, don’t you think?  At least let me wake up, have some coffee, take a piss, brush my teeth, take a bath or a quick shower, and then I’m good to go.  Hunter breaks my balls about me not liking morning sex.  In my defense, once in a while I do give in, but to be honest if I’m going to have sex first thing in the morning, I am ONLY getting my dick sucked, lol.  I am not kissing or fucking, in fact I am not participating at all other than laying back and giving up my load for a quick breakfast protein shake.  Am I crazy?  Please help me here and tell Hunter he can have my morning wood but don’t expect any reciprocation from me in the morning.

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51 Responses to “COLE HATES MORNING SEX?”

  1. Tim says:

    Cole, I see your point. hat said. everything we’ve seen show that Hunter is an Awesome cocksucker and the cock he loves to suck the most is yours. Let him blow you. Give him an nice big early morning load. and after your shower you can pound your sexy boy’s ass all day ling. 🙂

  2. tedd says:

    maybe becoz rest im the late morning is better than sex.but moslty horny man loves mornig sex even me.but as long as you try to wake up with scuk you will love morning sex

  3. BigDaddyJoe says:

    Hunter moring sex is the best to wake up with a hot man on my cock make the whole day worth getting up for. This Dad would love to have hunter wake me up LOL

    that woulks be a wet dream cum true

  4. Derek says:

    Hunter, I would get nasty with you every morning…nothing hotter. I always have morning wood and love waking up with my guy trying to ride me when I’m still half awake. And like the manscent thing, I think a little bit of morning dirtyness is hot, including kissing!!! … plus it makes the morning shower after all the more rewarding.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Derek stud! Just reading your comment got me worked up…”trying to ride me when I’m still half awake”….wow, would love to see that, you keep in touch buddy – Hunter

  5. Eric says:

    I’m with Hunter on this one. There is nothing hotter than waking up next to someone else who has a raging boner. I love to feel it pressed up against my ass or vice versa. Better yet – feeling it get hard as he wakes up. But like Hunter, I am an early riser and I wake up quite easily. I think that probably has something to do with why we’re so roaring to go in the morning.

    I see Cole’s point though (aside from the grumpy part). I’ll hop up and brush my teeth and wash my face and crawl back into bed. And sometimes I’ll shower the night before as well. Butt sex is a definite no-go first thing in the morning! But some fierce making out and oral action is always hot!

  6. RanDan says:

    Soooo…. I agree with both. Love me some morning sex, also like to wake up first. I don’t blame Hunter for wanting to attack you, hell I would too. Then again if I had Hunter to wake up to every morning also I would want to start the day out with a vigorous workout. Do whatcha gotta do to please the ones your with. Hmmmmm if you ever want a third person as a permanent fixture in your relationship let me know. Then I am sure no one would go unsatisfied, EVER!!!

  7. FitHornyBoy says:

    I don’t like morning sex either. It takes too long too cum (like, really, REALLY long), I end up losing interest. The orgasm is usually not as good as usual, I guess my cock is so hard from morning wood it’s less sensitive…

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      That’s funny man; it takes Cole a mega long time to cum, too, never thought about morning wood making it uncomfortable to fuck around, good point 😉 – Hunter

  8. WES says:

    i love morning wood. thats how i wood get my ex up in the morning or vise versa. he works in excavation and construction and when he opens his eyes his dick is hard, i go done on him and suck it like its my last meal. sometimes we fuck but it depends on the time he has. when ever i get it in the morning i feel like i can take on the day, strong and awake. Come on Cole give in a little ,get him ready for his day. shower together and then take him again. Shower sex is so hot

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Wes! Damn stud reading your comment just gave me mega wood! “…suck it like its my last meal” – we are cut from the same cloth buddy 😉 You boys need to get out the vid camera and show us what you got. – Hunter

  9. Brian says:

    There’s a simple solution; just have a big enough bed for the three of us and I’ll have sex with Hunter. Then when Cole wakes up and and have your coffee, etc. you can have both of us. Sounds like a good idea to me ; )

    Wish I was snowed in with you guys right now, could be fun.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, nice idea Brian, we can get things warmed up and Cole can jump in, just so long as that camera is rolling 😉 – Hunter

  10. Dave says:

    I couldn’t agree more with Cole about the morning sex thing. I’m happy to stay up to the wee hours of the morning but once I’m out for the night, I don’t want to wake up to sex per se. Let me get rid of that morning breath before we are tongue-deep in one another’s mouth. And, hey, you can always join me in the shower and we can fuck in there! 🙂 That said, it would be really difficult to push away a hot stud like Hunter in the morning. How about we give that a try? 🙂

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Shower Sex! Dave, I think you’ve got the best one so far man…let’s see who drops the soap first 😉 – Hunter

  11. Ethan says:

    Hye guys,
    Love you guys and would want nothing more to meet you (fun times !!)
    you guys make sex fun and exciting…
    How about this for morning sex, Cole taking a shower using mouthwash etc …, while hunter is playing with me right with the morning wood and all…
    Like this you guys both get the “morning activity” you like and at the end we all have a good time…
    big fan here

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Ethan, your a fucking genius man! Get yer butt over here and let’s test out this new theory of yours 😉 – Hunter

  12. JR says:

    I’m totally crushing on you little stache…

  13. Phil says:


    I have to agree with you. I am COMPLETELY in love with morning sex. I don’t know what it is, but the idea of pleasuring my guy when he is still half awake makes me go wild. Not to mention, he likes the surprise when he thinks he’s dreaming but in fact it’s real life.

    The other thing (I’m still waiting on this one though) would be to have my guy wake me up with a blow job, flip me around and go to town. I like to think everyday can be a good day, but starting up the day by getting the heart pumping makes for a great day. 😉 Cheers

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, everyday IS a good day, Phil!!! And a good day always starts with hot sex, woo hoo! Glad you agree, my friend. Have a good one. – Hunter

  14. Sebastien says:

    I agree with Cole on the whole brushing your teeth and showering thing, but Hunter is right a little morning sex is great. Btw I found out the craziest fact that I knew only you guys would appreciate according to the times every teaspoon of sperm has 47 calories lol

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, you rock Sebastien, thanks for the man-batter update, I’m currently taking in a ton of calories so i can bulk up a bit at the gym, sounds like we’ll need you swing by and help me with my caloric intake (many times) 😉 – Hunter

  15. Adam says:

    I fear Cole is right, but I understand Hunter too. While I am extremely horny in the mornings, my need for coffee and a shower overrides all. Maybe you two can reach a compromise of sorts? Technically, if Hunter rests on average about an hour after Cole, then he’ll wake up an hour later, giving Cole time to cleanup and caffinate. 🙂 There’s always a compromise somewhere.

  16. Adam says:

    Personally I’m with Cole here. I hate morning sex. When I wake up I am angry, annoyed and downright awful to be around. All i want to do is go back to bed. And to be perfectly honest, I hate the way my own mouth tastes in the morning before i brush, let alone my mouth plus the taste of another unbrushed mouth of morning breath. Getting head is great in the morning, and you know, I don’t really mind giving head in the morning. But that’s about all I can handle until at least noon, when I’m done being a douche.

  17. Josh says:

    I’m like hunter I love morning sex with the right guy 🙂 I love waking up and fucking the crap out of some of my twink boys but sometimes im tired and i dont want to have sex but im not going ot say no to the guys if they start sucking me off and do all the work i can just lay back and realx 🙂 BUt Cole you shouldn’t hate morning sex i mean if i had Hunter i would not let him out of the bed 🙂 LOVE YOU BOTH

    -much love your new frat boy Josh from Oregon

  18. Brad says:

    I’m going to go completely off topic here and say… That is one nice bath-tub!!! Also, how many beds do you guys have?! The sheets look similar but every pic has a different bed-frame.

    PS: If I may add one more thing. I think something might be wrong with the reply system. I know that when you guys had the post about hairy vs smooth, I made a comment which Hunter replied to (discussing waxing and how painful it is). I in turn wanted to reply again, specifically to what Hunter said, but I realized that it actually appeared in the next blog post (even with hitting the ‘reply’ button). I think I just noticed the same thing here because Ro was referencing a comment that I made on the ‘We love uncut cocks!’ post but it made its way into this ‘Cole hates morning sex?’ post. Hope this helps 🙂

  19. Ian says:

    I gotta agree with Cole….I feel the LEAST attractive first thing in the morning, even with morningwood. My hair’s all fucked up, and there’s also morning breath to worry about….just not really that sexy lol

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, I hear ya Ian, but bed head looks so hot on some guys, and I’m happy to keep some mouth wash by the bed side, solid morning wood is such a pity to waste – Hunter

  20. Gary Christopher says:

    Ok, at first I was not going to say anything but……. Try this Cole gets up while Hunter is resting and takes his shower and everything else. Then crawls back into bed before Hunter wakes up and then go at it. It works cause I FUCKING HATE anything in the morning till I wake up. I had dated someone that LOVES I mean LOVES it in the morning. So to compromise I would get up before she did. YES I said she it not like I was with men all my life. She would have sex when ever I was in the mood at any point in time. Try it once and see what happens. You never know.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Awesome advice GC, but Cole will nevaaaaah wake up before I do, I’ve always been an early riser and I always bring him coffee in bed (otherwise he’s a mega cranky bear), but I like your thinking, maybe I can get him to get up before me on my birthday 😉 – Hunter

  21. jordan says:

    if i wanna be in a vid with u hot guys, how do i get in touch with you. you’re both so hot!

  22. adrienne says:

    Sorry, Hunter, I’m with Cole on this. I’m not a morning person, and like to start my day slowly, plus not feeling fresh, morning sex never appealed to me either. Though I can see what you mean, waking up to Cole every day. Shirtless Cole is a rare treat, and you’ve given us a feast with this post. 🙂 I’m a straight woman and am surprised to learn how many men aren’t into morning sex. Silly me, I always thought all that morning wood meant they wanted some and only left me alone cause I’m so cranky before I get going. Thanks for providing insight into the male perspective, and of course for the eye candy too.

  23. Ro says:

    Wakey wakey balls and boney… Hahaha. Poor Hunter… Well I don;t like myself in the mornings and my foot automatically kicks anyone who touches me [true story, my siblings and my room mate back in college have met the morning fury of my leg] so Sorry Hunter, I have to side with Cole here:D

  24. cesar says:

    hi i from mazatlan mexico awould like to meet you

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Greeting from Boston, Ceasar! Great to hear from you man, we’d love to visit Mazatlan right now; it’s so cold here right now, we need some Mexican heat! – Hunter

  25. Phoenix_Rising78 says:

    As insatiable as I am, I too, am NOT a big fan of sex in the morning… for all of the same reasons as you Cole! I have done it and can “enjoy” it, but I would rather not! Sexin’ in the morning makes me feel like I am off of my game. Perhaps always having the urge to sleep after sex has something to do with it as well. Waking up to have sex, only to want to go back to sleep seems a bit counterproductive to me! LOL

  26. Derrick from L.A. says:

    LMAO!! Freakin’ brilliant. I love it. First of all, it’s been a crazy few days, and this post brought such a smile to my face. Thanks!
    Cole… I’m totally with you, brother. I’ve never been a fan of morning sex, either. I’m tired, cranky, usually have that hollow stomach feeling from hunger, and I’m not feeling the least bit sexy. Hair’s all fucked up, dry mouth, stale breath. Ugh. Sure, I’ve got this huge, raging boner goin’, but that’s just physiology. I’m the opposite of you, though; if anything, I’m more likely to suck dick and nothing else. That said, I have been known to have quite a few intensely hot morning sessions… but it takes a helluva lot to get me going, so the other guy(s) better be pretty damn tenacious and seductive.
    Hunter, how the fuck can anyone blame you, dude?? Look at who you wake up to every morning. That incredible cock. That amazing body. That fucking gorgeous face!! [sigh] I’d be all over that, too, if I had that lying next to me. LOL You go get yours, bro! I feel ya.
    Hope you boys had a superb start to the New Year! Sending you lots of love, my friends. xo

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Haha, thanks so much Derrick, yeah I’m pretty much ready to get my fuck on first thing in the am, but for now I’m gonna have to settle for afternoon sex 😉 – Hunter

  27. Bradley says:

    I happen to love morning sex. Theres nothin hotter than wakin up too a dude grabbin your morning wood and sitting on it to wake you up.

  28. Bob says:

    Morning sex can be so hot, though. Of course, u gotta use the mouthwash first but sharing morning wood is the best… all that testosterone. Have fun w/ Hunter @ sunrise. : )

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Totally agree Bob; I’m not championing for skanky-breath sex either, hell no, but the morning wood situation is just outta control in our house ;), all that wood can’t go to waste, right? – Hunter

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January 4th, 2011

We love all ding-dongs, but we especially love a nice uncut cock!  We get lots of pics from guys that want to hook up or be in videos and I have noticed something odd with approximately 75% of the photos that guys send us; specifically uncut guys, they send us hot pics of their face, body, ass, and cock BUT the dick pic is often times blocked or hidden.  These hotties of all ages send pics that hide their foreskin and in many cases they crop the pic to exclude the head of their cock, or there hand is strategically covering it.  We have even had guys say hey, “I’m not sure if you guys like uncut guys or not so I am sorry”.  WTF is up with that?!  This was pretty shocking to us because Hunter and I travel all over the place and we have discovered that the majority of the planet is uncut so why are these uncut beauties reluctant or ashamed of their amazing uncut cocks? The stereotype of uncut not being clean is just plain stupid.   People either clean their junk or they don’t, it’s that simple.  So we want all you uncut boys out there to know that the MaverickMEN LOVE your ding-dongs, big or small.  BRING EM ON!  This post is dedicated to a very special boy (with a beautiful uncut hog) that we LOVE named, Johnny Rio.

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45 Responses to “WE LOVE UNCUT COCKS!”

  1. Orifices says:

    j’aimerais ben m’faire piner par vos queues et sentir votre dèch jutter au fond de mon Q! J’adore vous voir piner des Q sans condoms…..

  2. Cindyboy says:

    I adore cocks love to suck them off and run my tongue round the glans . My idea of my gay heaven is an unlimited supply of big thick uncut cocks to service my ass and mouth filling me with semen on a daily basis . Cocks of ,/iall colours I like black cocks specially monster big cummers .

  3. Confused says:

    Recently I’ve been researching my options about having my urologist remove my foreskin and doing a circumsission. Not a full one just cutting off some of the skin. I think having the head exposed when my cock is hard looks so much better. Plus I’ve heard it makes my cock less sensative (making sex and masturbation last longer – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing). Plus it is obviousally cleaner and prevents a lot of health issues. I’ve got a 7in long and 6in around fatty right now and don’t want it to shrink to much anyway. My boyfriend doesn’t mind it and I’ve heard so many gays say they love uncut and some say they wish they were uncut. What should I do. I hate having my cock uncut but I know it’s not really a necessary surgery to get the foreskin cut off. Putting aside your preference (I know what that is haha) what should I do.

    • Edo Deweert en Sacha (Saskia) Deweert says:

      you have gotta be kidding… were born with an intact ciock….fuck, man,don’t mess with the big guy.
      and do not fall for this neo evangelical hogwash trap.
      you were GIVEN a foreskin….HE gave you one…..jeez…i am an atheist
      you are priviledged…..why mess with it, man?
      my wife, who died 6 months ago, loved to pull back the skin and reveal the glans….so fucking yes, man.
      leave it alone……removing it will also remove a lot of pleasure……read for that?????
      did not think so…..

  4. Keona. says:

    I am a t-girl and I love sucking and fucking big fat uncut cocks, they are sooo much fun to get hard and ride on 🙂

  5. Brad says:

    I have very nice skin and enjoy having my partner lightly chew on my foreskin. I also enjoy docking my cock and having my partner lose his load under my skin.

  6. Izzy says:

    Hey all you cut guys who wish you have the real deal! Look into foreskin restoration (manual, NOT surgical!). You can find out about it at (National Organization of Restoring Men). Another good site is, a support group with lots of tips for newbies. I’ve been restoring for years, and while I’ll never be completely whole, I have a nice foreskin and incredible new sensitivity. It looks and functions like real!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks for the info, Izzy! – Hunter

    • Dylan says:

      Hey I have seriously thought about this alot! I really want to have an uncut dick. I like how they look and I wanna have more sensitivity. How do I do it and how much better does oral and sex feel

  7. Edgardo says:

    do not know if I like uncut cocks that I have not had a sexual experience but when that day comes I hope it is with an older man ….. so I think I like cut jajajajajajaaj

  8. edo deweert says:

    the male nipple and the uncut cock….a match made in heaven.

  9. bill says:

    me ex has an uncut monster NOTHING BETTER!

  10. Jon says:

    So i was reading your uncut cocks, and well im not uncut, but i do have a small cock, and i hate it. Im trying to be the guy that says Hey, i got what i got, and i cant so anything about it, but then i see your websight, and both of your beautiful cocks, and i get discuraged. With all of that said, i did love the fact that you said, small or large, you should love it, so i guess thanks:) if you 2 can appreciate a small cock, then so can someone else:) I sometimes think i wont find a partner due to the size of my cock, and i know i need to be more confident, but sometimes its hard, so thanks for saying all cocks or great:) Jon

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey sexy-
      Are you serious? Ughhh man I hate this penis envy, self doubt psychological plague that guys have to deal with…SO many guys are hung up about there cock size its crazy, I know you are going to say easy for you to say Cole u have a big one but honestly for every cock size and shape there is someone that lusts after it, there are entire websites dedicated to small cocks, and uncut cocks, or big cocks , or black, yellow, bent cocks cocks cock cocks on and on and on! you are a fool to think that just because you don’t have a huge cock its not desired by others, your cock is loved and wanted, trust me its just a matter of you owning and loving it and realizing you are sexy in your own way, Hunter and I have had many fuck buds with very small cocks, and we love it especially if its attached to a confident fun sexy guy, to us and a ton of other people the cock size is not an issue at all, we love big shooters, or masculine, or cute, and if u have a big one great if you have a little one great, its more about the person the cock is attached to not the cock itself, Hunter and I had this guy over once years ago , he had a MASSIVE uncut tool, it was a beauty if you like massive cocks, BUT it was attached to a total arrogant asshole, the only thing he had going for him was his big cock, so after about 15 minutes of him boasting about his big cock and what a big top he was, we decided to bend him over and fuck the humility back into him, as he staggered out of our house clutching his sore ass, we both agreed that we are not impressed by penis alone. Bring your little hot cock over to us we will kiss some confidence back into it.

      • edo deweert says:

        size matters……to the guy who has the one that is less than the average 5.2 inches………
        to me it never did (does), i am not a size queen.
        sometimes they apologetically say: “mine is small”
        but it’s rock hard, right, so i suugest they get as much pleasure from it as i do from mine, they get horny, raunchy, right? they cum, right? with an orgasm that explodes, right? and if after sucking them silly, they spray a load of hot semen all over my cock i am the happiest guy in the world……size matters?????…wtf

  11. Alec Cabrera says:

    I have an uncut cock!! if you guys want i can send you some pics!!

  12. Rick says:

    I agree uncut is the best. I’m cut and everytime I get a nice uncut dick to play with I’m in heaven. I’m 63 and when I wasborn I believe that 75% of the guys were cut. I’m vers and have a 9″ so most of the time I’m the top but when I get a hotuncut dick I want that baby in my ass. The feel of that shaft moving in and out of the skin. I can take and have taken a 11″ with no problem if it’s uncut.Thanks for the great shows you guys put on.

  13. kyle! says:

    well…i love my extra skin! pull it back bitches!

  14. edo deweert says:

    i love this site; i am 67, born in holland and uncut.
    i pose naked for art students
    i am a fericious anti-circumcision activist
    check the blog at

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey thanks for your support, Edo (probably one of the coolest names, ever), just checked your blog, love love love the drawings man, very nice work – Hunter

      • edo deweert says:

        thanks guys, your comments mean a lot to me.
        always get a kick out of how students deal with THE COCK, some are generous, others stingy, still others don’t deal with it at all – there is just a space.
        again, i love the stuff on this sit

  15. josh says:

    i know hole you feel cole i hate morning sex too, love fucking and getting fucked and all that just as much as the next guy but just not in the AM

  16. Lance says:


    I dont have a big dick and im not ashamed of it. I consider myself a nice looking guy with a penis that works and Im a hot bottom. lol. thanks guys, your vids are hot.


    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Lance, great to hear from you stud, we love a hot bottom boy with confidence, nothing sexier, grrrrrr – Hunter

  17. Benny Morecock says:

    Awesome post. Now I wish I were uncut.

  18. izzi says:

    HI guys-I am one of your female fans and just had to respond to this post. I chose not to circumcise my boy because I couldn’t stand the thought of hurting him the moment he was born. I’ve always wondered if it was ever a problem for him and recently asked him how he felt about it. He said he believes he has more sensitivity and therefore more intense orgasms, for which he is eternally grateful -that just cracked me up. He said he’s had a couple looks now and then, which he just thinks is just curiosity, but that he has never had a negative experience with a sex partner and that anyone who might have an issue with it, was not worth his time. Of course, he’s pretty comfortable in his own “skin” 😉 So all you uncut guys remember that it’s really just a matter of mind…if you don’t mind-it really doesn’t matter!

    • Cole Maverick says:

      Hey mom lol where the hell were you when my mom had my foreskin lopped off hahaha You seem like the most chill parent on the planet, your relationship with your boy sounds amazing ! He sounds super secure and confident and FUNNY lol all obvious signs that you are a great parent with a well adjusted boy!
      Thanks so much for checking us out You Rock Mommy Milf!

      Cole Maverick

  19. Mark from Kansas says:

    My ex was uncut and I was in love with his dick! It was like a yummy little toy for me to play with. And I did, a lot. Now that I’m single, everytime I hook up with a little hottie, I’m hoping to pull down his pants to expose a nice uncut one, and find myself a little disappointed when it isn’t. To me, it just became my preference. Glad to see you guys give a shout-out, because I know a lot of guys don’t like them, but also make fun of guys that are uncut. That is fucked up to me. So guys with the uncut dicks, just come my way:) And Hunter and Cole, you guys should totally feature a new video with an uncut guy to show some love! Keep it sexy bro’s, looking forward to what comes next!

    Your sexy Kansas boy,

  20. Josh says:

    I love my uncut cock 🙂 Hunter and Cole do you guys still have my cock pics? 🙂 I miss you guys and I’m still jerking it and making videos im soon going ot be done and then Cole you can help me put them on on xtube 🙂 Ive missed you guys.
    p.s. I have sooo many guys that love my UNCUT THICK BIG COCK But sometimes some guys make me feel like shit cuz they tell me Im nasty for having an uncut cock. I WANT TO SAY I LOVE MY UNCUT COCK AND IM NOT ASHAMED 🙂 Wish you guys would of used a cock pic of mine on ur site 🙁

    -Much Love your New frat boy Josh from Oregon

  21. christian orlando says:

    i actually like uncut dicks though the thing is you gotta know how to clean it!! =)

  22. pat flynn says:

    I LOVE a Uncut cock like to chew on the extra skin!!!

  23. xnicklex says:

    LOVE uncut cocks, damn i wish my mum hadnt have made that decision for me lol

    nothing beats jerking an uncut cock

  24. Brad says:

    I must say, even though I have never been up close and personal with an uncut dick (as I am a virgin) I think they are pretty cool. I’ve been reading about them recently and never realized how sensitive they are. It’s been making me wish I was uncut!!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Brad, (I took your pic advice, thanks) – uncut dicks are the best! We highly recommend them 😉 – Hunter

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January 1st, 2011

We have been getting lots of positive feed back about our book but this one takes the cake, when Hunter read this email and saw the pics he called me at work and said COLE YOU HAVE TO READ THIS EMAIL!  After reading it, I checked it out and decided we should share it with you guys.  Please show these two amazing people some love.

Dear Cole & Hunter,

I am writing you out of the blue because I want to thank you for your book.  It has changed our lives for the better.  My boyfriend of many years and I have just opened up our relationship to include others (both men and women).  We have been recently going thru some “issues in the bedroom” that I could not quite figure out and because of these issues we were growing apart.  I decided to confront him in a nice way and he just shrugged it off and told me it was nothing and we would work it out.  Well as a curious girl, I decided to take matters in my own hand; I decided to snoop into his secret spots that he thought I didn’t know about.  He’s a typical guy and thinks he can keep secrets from us girls.  After snooping a bit what did I find but YOUR BOOK!  Needless to say I was pretty much blown away that he had read it to the point it was worn out and dog-eared.  I decided to bite my tongue and get out of his personal hiding spot before he got home.  I wrote the book name down and order my own copy on line.  After read it, I must confess it was pretty sexually shocking (in a good way) it also brought me to your website where I learned more about you and Hunter.  I instantly fell in love with you both, but that’s another story.  I was at a loss as to what to do about my obviously gay or bi boyfriend.  I asked my best friend and she said “DUMP HIM” but I love him way too much.  He was the first man I made love with and the best man I know.  I decided to give him a present; it was a fresh non dog-eared copy of your book with a card telling him that I love him and I am willing to try to make this work because I think love is love.  The love we have for each other should over ride everything, right?  Much to my surprise he was honest and blunt and told me he was still in love with me but wanted to be with men and me in the same bed.  At first I was VERY hesitant then, I had to face facts; I secretly lusted after women and had been in love with a friend for years and never told her.  So we came to an understanding and we have rules of engagement, as do you and Hunter, and so far it’s been amazing.  We love each other more than ever and our sex life has been crazy!  Our first 3-way was with my girl friend, and we recently had a guy together.  I can’t express how hot and fun our lust life is and how crazy hot our love life it. Please post these pics of me and my love on your site, we have a LOT to thank you guys for.

PS My guy wanted me to ask you if you and Hunter would be into a video with us.  What do you boys think?

XO we love you guys and thanks for saving our relationship!


Click here to get your copy of our book on Amazon.

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42 Responses to “MY BOYFRIEND’S CLOSET”

  1. Martin says:

    So, did this ever happen? I always thought this was one of the coolest stories you guys posted on here, and I was always curious to see if it ever worked out for the four of you.

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      We keep in touch with them, but we haven’t gotten physical just yet. It does keep coming up, though. I’ll keep you posted! 🙂 – Hunter

  2. undecided2 says:

    I just read you book for the last 2 days and I’m amazed at how good it is. I couldn’t put it down!!! I’ve been a casual fan since the X-Tube days when I stumbled onto you SEXY guys. Was so happy to see you on Manhunt/On The Hunt and just recently found the site. Wish I could find something as amazing as the love that guys have and wish my girlfriend was as cool with things as this guys girlfriend is. KEEP UP THE HOT, SEXY, EROTIC, AMAZING WORK so I can keep jacking off to it as much as possible. BTW I must have jerked off at least 15 time during my reading of the book!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE MAVERICK MEN AND HOPE YOU NEVER PUT DOWN THE CAMERAS!!!!!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hunter told me I should read this message and I am glad he did since I was in a bad mood this morning…It’s nice messages like this one, that makes my day, especially since I just read some NASTY mean crap about us on the ManHunt daily blog lol Ughhh Feel free to go there and respond to the hate, say what you want just be honest 🙂 It is a great blog lots of cool stuff, but WAY to many haters. So glad you liked the book, we just signed on to do another one, about my teenag sexcapades lol and we are also working on a graphic XXX novel about us and our friends but “as gladiators” so far so HOT ! hilarious that you stroked out 15 times to the book, that’s what we were going for…A girl friend? Hmmmm and u are all over the gay sites , On The Hunt and Man Hunt? BAD BAD BOY! have you told your GF that you like the cock? Honesty is always the best way to deal with this stuff, if she says fuck off , maybe that wont be such a bad thing especially if u may be gay? No? yes? lol In any case try to be more of a Maverick be proud be who you are deal with the situation at hand honestly talk to her, hell she just may surprise you and say HELL YES I would love to have an additional cock in our bed BRING IT BABY lol
      Thanks again for your email 🙂
      Cole Maverick

      • undecided2 says:

        Sign me up immediately for the graphic novel and the Gay Adventures of Cole’s Youth!!!! Need more stroke material like that lol. Never expected you to respond this quickly but I’m glad my message made you feel better and FYI FUCK THE HATERS!!! Unfortunately I’m all over Manhunt/On The Hunt because the last person I was comfortable enough to tell that I’m Bi bolted when she found out. Honesty is the way to go but it hasn’t been easy when no one seems to want to accept that part of my life.

      • latinostud0 says:

        I know this post is a few years old, Lol. I just wanted to say fuck the haterz. Obviously people are gonna be jealous of studs like you pulling in other studs for some ass slapping, hole pounding, knob polishing, rough sex that 90% Of guys will NEVER get. Lol. Thank you guys for sharing your hot times!


  3. Marc says:

    Damn! I need to find a girl like that!!

    I like guys and girls, but it’s hard to find a girl that’s cool with her guy being bi. Yeah, I’m jealous . . .
    Plus they’re both cute.

  4. CecilFirefox says:

    So are you going to do a video with them? I was under the impression that Cole was bi, but I was fairly certain Hunter was just gay? o_O Are you afraid of alienating your base, or does Hunter have a desire to experiment?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Cecil, we’ve discussed doing a video with them, they are interested, and we are just working the details out. Cole and I have both had plenty of girlfriends years ago, but we both prefer sex with men (guess that’s obvious…heh). Never thought about alienating our base; we’ve always just been who we are, gone where our path takes us, and people seem to enjoy following us. – Hunter

  5. Alias74 says:

    YES….i think it would punch up the scenery so to speak to include a bi video….I’d be TOTALLY UP (in more ways than one) for watching that!

    Do it….fourways rock!

  6. Dakota says:

    Ahhhhh, I’d love to do a video with u guys Cole and Hunter. I thinks its pretty hot that u guyz are gonna do a double date hot sex video. Yah id love to get ur book, I’m gonna get it soon.
    Thanks guyz!! 🙂

  7. JAIRO says:


    • Cole and Hunter says:


      Hey Jairo, thanks for the love buddy, where in the world are you? – Hunter

  8. Isaak S. says:

    This is something I sent to Cole and Hunter, mostly out of admiration, but it’s also a part of my story. And why I find them so inspiring. 🙂

    Hey Cole and Hunter,

    Just wanted to say hey, and hope you had a happy holiday. It’s been fun being able to talk to you guys on Twitter and Facebook. And I just want to say thanks for all of the work you do. Not only do you have great videos, but you also have a great connection with each other and your commitment to making great videos. Whoever says that big labels are the only way to get around in the porn industry needs only take a look at the two of you and the fanbase you have created around your work.

    When I first came out of the closet to my family at 16 I was really freaked out, it didn’t seem like something that I could deal with. But they were very accepting, and after having a great outcome with that, being out and comfortable with my sexuality has only been made more solid thanks to seeing great couples like you doing the things you love to do. I’m glad that you guys were one of the first users I ever stumbled onto on Xtube, and now that I see you on Manhunt occasionally, it reassures me that you guys are really coming through.

    I’m eagerly awaiting getting back to college so I can order your book and read it after a stressful day of classes. Especially since it cuts out the middle man of my parents seeing it haha. 😉

    Thank you so much for standing tall and proud as a great couple and two great people.

    Hope you’re surviving in the winter up there in Boston.



    (Thanks to both of you, Cole and Hunter! You guys rock and I can’t wait to meet you someday!)

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Isaak, your message was good for our souls buddy boy, please keep in touch, we’d love to meet you in person someday – Hunter

  9. Mike says:

    Great book guys! I’m about 1/2 way through and can’t put it down. So interesting to hear the whole back story on these amazing videos and how it all started. Thanks for all the great videos – love them! Happy New Year : )

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Glad you like the book Mike, we just got word from our publisher yesterday that we are going to begin work on the second one soon, can’t wait, you will love it – Hunter

  10. Mark from Kansas says:

    Just finished the book you guys, and I LOVED IT! I could always tell from the video’s that you guys had a strong bond with Billy, and from how you describe him in the book, I can see why. I’m sure you guys hear this a thousand times a day, but you really are an inspiration to me. What I wouldn’t give for a trip to Boston to meet you. You both seem like genuine, down to earth guys that I would get along with so well. Oh, and since I’m in the same state, you guys say the word and I will track down and take care of mr. greasy hair for you;) Ha ha…just wishing you guys much love and continued success in the future! Now get to work on book two, so I have something else interesting to read!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Mark, thanks for your message stud, we love hearing that people are enjoying our book. I just got word from our publisher yesterday that we are going to meet this month to begin work on the second book. It should be out by October 😉 – Hunter

  11. Carlos says:

    I Would Love To See This Vid Happen !!!!!!!!!

  12. adrienne says:

    What a sweet story, and such a cute couple! I can’t picture either of you with a woman, guess I’ll have to wait for the vid. I’ve been re-reading your book this week and have enjoyed it so much. The first time, my main impression was your breezy light-hearted storytelling style. This time, I’m noticing how clearly you describe yourselves, your friends, and your adventures. My copy would probably be dog-eared too if I had a paper one. Hope you write another book. Thanks for sharing yourselves with us.

  13. carlos says:

    me encanta los videos de mac y quisiera salir o acer algo asi de rico como el saludos y mi correo para estar en contacto es de tijuana mexico

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      My loose translation: I love the videos for mac and would like to go out or something like a rich acer as greetings and my email for contact is of tijuana mexico

      Hey thanks Carlos, you let us know if you ever come to Boston 😉 – Hunter

  14. Dewitt says:

    This post made me question whether I’m a little more bicurious than I’d like to admit. I would LOVE to see a video with you two and this couple.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks Dewitt, you sexy fuckity fuck!, I think it’s time you finally stepped up and made your MM video debut 😉 – Hunter

  15. rob says:

    Wow they are hot, so are you going to do a video with them? I find it hard to imagine you and Hunter with a woman but I think it could be equally hot.


  16. fbrand12345 says:

    that’s awesome 🙂 you guys are lucky to have each other. oh, also, but hot as hell 🙂

  17. Brian says:

    Submitted on 2011/01/02 at 4:18am

    i just downloaded your book onto my Kindle, and it just confirmed what i aleady knew, you two have a mad passionate love for one another that is both obvious and rare. When i looked at the video of the trip you took to p-town for hunters birthday, i almost felt like i was intruding on a very personal and private time for the two of you. If i could get even a fraction of the love that the two of you have for each other into my life then i would be a happy bear. love the book and of course the videos. Would love to meet you two again (we spoke briefly a Providence pride) and sit and have a conversation with you, i find you both fascinating and you give me hope for myself. Dont ever forget whats important. I know this is a pretty FAGGY thing to be writing on a porn site, but you two are very unique.


    • Cole Maverick says:

      Hey Brian, you are too sweet lol I hope you enjoy the book, we poured our heart into it. So glad you like the Ptown Beach video lol that was a great day for us and I loved making it. Hunter and I do this because we want to share our life and love with guys like you, it may not be glamorous and excitingly drama filled but its us and its real lol we share our lives so you all can see that it’s possible to have an unconventional, fun happy loving sexually hot, caring life with a MAN and not feel guilty about it lol maintaining a gay relationship is definitely challenging but just like a straight relationship its very doable if you stick with it and, if you are honest and open to each other and don’t lie about serious issues like sex, Hunter and I try to be confident with who we are flaws and all if you are able to do that then you can create something special. After reading what you wrote here I have NO DOUBT that you will find the love that you are looking for not just a fraction of it lol Actually Briant I think you have it right now within yourself you are one sweet loving bear that any smart guy would be lucky to have. And hell no its not Faggy hahaha and HELL yes we would love to meet with you again sometime this summer in Ptown maybe for BEAR WEEKEND Grrrooowwll! 🙂

  18. Antonio J. says:

    GHAAAAA~~ >___> I totally want to buy your book, I NEED IT T__T
    but I still live with my parents, who don’t know about my sexual orientation (bi), so it would be really awkward if they see that kind of book, y’know… O_o
    I know there’s a download edition (even cheaper) but my eyes would hurt because of reading so much from my pc U__U
    So I guess I’ll have to wait one more year. Once I live alone and far from here I’ll def ENJOY your book. I only hear wonders about that damm book!!! >_< xDD

    Love you, guys <3
    Big hugs!!

  19. Danny says:

    OMG. This is such a great story! I absolutely love how open she was to the whole Ideal, and it really touches on MM whole concept of true love but having such a wild sex side to relationship (all at the same time) Congrats to E&J and MM.. We absolutely love you guys 🙂


  20. Ty says:

    I loved this post. As a sexually open-minded male it’s amazing to read about couples who can be so open. You’ve got to do a video with them on the site!!! (They’re both super hot too)

  21. Jaime Flores says:

    I’m not surprise of this reaction from you guys. Of course now I whant to read your book !!!!!!!
    love you guys my best wishes .

  22. Juan gonzalez (el chileno ) says:

    Wow this story is amazing! This girl really very in love with and is very sexy

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December 29th, 2010

This video is one of our original “GUEST” videos from back when we were making videos with Little T. We constantly get requests and emails asking us to make a video with him again, so I decided to roll out this seriously hot classic. I re-edited it so it’s twice as long and twice as hot; it’s my full, thick director’s cut ;). Not only is Little T as sweet as the night is long with a masculine persona and boyish charm, he is also HUNG like a little stallion, with a hard ripped small smooth frame and flawless caramel skin AND did I mention a tight little bubble ass to DIE for?! Trust me when I say this kid can take a serious aggressive fuck from 2 guys that are over 6′ and weighing in at 200 lbs. Hunter and I love a boy that can suck the chrome of a trailer hitch and ask for more. We love having Little T over; it’s always lust-filled hot-ass fucking and tons of laughs…You will LOVE this full director’s cut; it’s one of our favorites and it’s truly a raw aggressive fuck video in a big throbbing way! Thanks for stroking with us.

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  1. huntingtonman12 says:

    I would love to be that boo and have my ass and mouth fucked by you guys. so freaking hot.

  2. tvsally692 fuck boy says:


  3. tvsally692 says:

    very nice video of a sweet boy doing what sweet boys do; suck cock like a pro and take it deep into their ass/pussy……………..

  4. Imbibe says:

    oh gawd i am so damn jealous of you for getting to fuck that sexy fucking boy!!!!

  5. Lee says:

    Since I got my Xtube account a few years ago MaverickMen has been my go to site. I check back for new videos almost every day awaiting the next installation I can shoot my load on with you boys. Today I checked out your facebook which then led me here…and it’s like JACKPOT! Everything I want is here and more.

    If you ever cum to Minnesota, let me know. Would love to fuck around with you boys!!! 24 here.

  6. jose says:

    awww that video was amazing i wanna be in one of ur videos with u guys:( too bad i couldnt make it to boston

  7. Jean says:

    i want u guys pls pls pick me i need some good fucking….

  8. Jean says:

    omg u guys got me horny with that..i want u guys pls… pls..pick me

  9. matthew says:

    hi, i just want to know if i can download the videos if i join ur site

    and are u going to upload the full video of victor and lucky?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey buddy, with all the vids on our site you can only view them on the site (no downloads), the vid of us with Victor and Lucky is still in the safe until Lucky decides that he wants us to put it up – Hunter

  10. Zigi says:

    Hi there, please upload some more [longer] version with this boy. He was yours best fuck pussy boy ever. Cheers from PL

  11. Brandon says:

    Love your videos guys. If you ever plan a trip to New Zealand, let me know. I’d love to have you guys pop my cherry.

  12. Evan says:

    Fuckin hot boi and fuck session. Love a hot boi who can suck cock like a pro and then take it the same in his ass. Little T is so sweet and yet handles cock like a pro. Fuck wish I had a Little T next door and you guys on the other side and we all could meet for some hot suck fuck times.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks Evan, glad you liked it stud, we have a ton more vids with Little T, so def stay tuned man, happy new year – Hunter

    • Joe Chris silva says:

      Hay joe here I was just woundering were you live Evan because if you close bye I’ll be willing to be you little T

  13. Patrick says:

    God I would love to be that bottom…like seriously, you guys should make a ski trip to colorado this winter and fuck me silly!

    …your loving fan,

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      We LOVE ski bunny butts, Patrick, I grew up in Park City and miss the slopes big time, we’ll let ya know if we get out in your neck of the woods stud, keep in touch – Hunter

  14. Sam R says:

    hey guys! first off i wanna say you both have rocked my world since my boyfriend introduced me to ur site a few months ago. i love your sense of humor, and that ur from boston and proud of it. and i think your amazing relationship shows in ur vids, ur love and trust is inspiring to me. not to mention sexy, so so so hot.

    so i wanna know where maverick men will be for nye! me and my man are staying in boston this year and i wanna go where the real partys at. are you guys staying in boston? any recommendations for a couple sexy boston dudes?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Sammy boy, thanks so much for the love and I’m sorry we missed this till now, this year we stayed in with a sexy boy that came over to shoot a vid 😉 (best nye ever), if you boys are gonna be around in Boston longer def hit us up, – Hunter

  15. twink says:

    wow i would LOVE to be that guy. you guys are so sexy.

  16. kevin says:

    Wow hot video again! Damn once again you guys fuck another boy good! wish i could be in one of your videos! I could show you my skills

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December 26th, 2010

This year all my birthday wishes came true.  Hunter and I had some serious fun and laughs with friends, family and THE BOYZ!  We usually celebrate our birthday all week long, so the first night we had a mellow chill night with family and a few friends, and THEN we threw in a few crazy nights.  I got everything I wanted AND THEN SOME., lol.  Thanks Hunter, I love you more thank you know, you’re the reason I smile each and every day. Xooxox I love you baby.

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  1. Benny Morecock says:

    Awesome post… I wish I was uncut.

  2. adrienne says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLE!!! I’m sure you enjoyed those hot presents. 🙂

  3. Josh says:

    aww happy late bday baby 🙂

  4. Jorge culo says:

    Happy B-day, i have not a present for you, but I told you a story of mi hotlife, i have a friend, he is always horny in the morning and it was great to suck his hefty morning stiff, i could´t look at my friend´s sturdy erection without getting a hardon myself and he did nothing to hide it. my frien´s cock is so handsome that i can´t take my eyes off it and i had hardly finished my breakefast when i started to play whit it. in no time my friend thrust his throbbing monster into my mouth and began to fuck my face whit fierce energy. his not creamy cum gushed into my mouth and it was hard to say which tasted better, his cock or its juice.

    again happy birthay my frineds


    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Jorge you stud! Sounds like you need to pick up the video camera man ;)…I will make sure that Cole sees this, I know he will LOVE it, take care buddy – Hunter

  5. George says:

    Happy Birthday! You certainly had a great time! Cannot wait to see you again guys in 2011. Yours as ever, Georgieeee :)))

  6. yes love it write more i wanna read.

  7. Mike says:

    Happy Birthday. Any more cherry pop videos coming up? those make me cum the hardest. very nice how you initiate guys! try an internal cum shot or cum and pull back in some time. would be hot! but definetly more virgins please!

  8. Brad says:

    Bon Anniversaire!

  9. nicka says:

    Happy Birthday Maverick!!! That’s the best, you get double the ass..I mean presents!!!

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Happy Holla-Dayum! Hey guys, Hunter and I wanted to give you all a very special sticky yummy holiday gift, so we decided to roll out one of my favorite videos for your viewing pleasure. In this FREEBE video, I eat, lick and munch on my favorite holiday snack; big, hairy, yummy, muscled Hunter’s buns as he strokes one out in his own mouth YUM YUM. This will make you CUM CUM, lol.  In my opinion, it’s one of the hottest moments I have ever filmed. Thanks very much for stroking away the holiday season with us and we hope you Christmas piggies enjoy this XXX-Mess present as much as we enjoyed making it.  Let us know what you think by posting a comment here under the video XO

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  1. mark says:

    that was soooooooooooooooooooo hot, i came all over my keyboard. WOWOWOWOWOWO

  2. AJ Orta says:

    This is the video I was talking about! I guess it’s named the other name on X-Tube! I love you guys and your relationship with each other.. I hope y’all have a great one!

  3. Steve says:

    I find your video’s to be very hot and wet. Makes me want to be your fuck man

  4. Andrés says:


    Definitely, I want more freebie videos like this one. Love stroking with you giuys. Greetings from Colombia!

  5. adalberto says:

    Saludos desde Coste Rica
    ustedes son los dueños de mis fantasias hasta cuando he tenido relaciones con mi pareja me los he imagina , Gracias por tan rico regalo !

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      loose google translation: Greetings from Cost Rica
      You are the owners of my fantasies even when I had sex with my partner I have imagined, Thank you for such a rich gift!

      Nuestro placer, Adalberto! Gracias por el amor y felices fiestas a usted y su tipo! 🙂 – Hunter

  6. AP says:

    you guys are sexy and i like the honesty and responsibity of the non conndoms

  7. Robin Le says:

    These videos are so great with great guys. Hello Cole!!

  8. Robin Le says:

    These are so great vids with great guys. Thanks for free vids

  9. Rolf says:

    This was/is one hot vid – love that ass-eating! Love that eye-contact – really felt “invited” Do both of you eat ass? Would love to see more of that!!! Please???

  10. Ranger says:

    Thanks for the freebie …. The hottest men on the Internet … Hands down!

  11. GABRIEL says:

    definitivamente ustedes dos son lo mejores haciendo vídeos pornos deberían enseñar mas de lo que son capaces ambos saludos desde Venezuela

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      loose google translation: you two are definitely the best videos pornos doing should teach more than they are capable both greetings from Venezuela

      Muchas gracias, Gabriel!!! xxx – Hunter

  12. robert says:

    please leave more freebies – love to jack to you guys

  13. Ayo-D says:

    Dat was hella sexy.

  14. Jaime Benavides says:

    Great vid u guys are an awsome couple may u guys be together untill the end. And fucking great videos!! Im inlove with u guys!!! Godbless and take care (~_0)

  15. teddhy says:

    very hot amazing vid.only you both can share it.luv you guyz.want to see somthing rare soon.

  16. tedd says:

    evry time i se this vid of yours i get cum maybe 2 or 3 times even wqithout stroking cos i see you love each othert both while doing hot sex.thanks

  17. teddcaluscusan says:

    i love to se oyu both as sedx sex fro you .but it makes me horny and hot as i se you sex,and your both handsome,

  18. teddcaluscusan says:

    i really love to se your videos only you only both of you i love you both as couple.

  19. Alex says:

    Fuckhole Perfection…!! An Ass made to be worshipped and then used to train Fuckbois how to proudly part those Ass Cheeks and offer a stunnin Ass Crack and Fuckhole for Pig Tops Cocks.

    Fuckin loved seeing that Crack presented for Public inspection and Cole’s experienced Tongue Fuckin…Rimming Class and Hunter looking Trashmeat in that cap..legs spread and the Rimming slow and deep.

    Hope we can see future session with Tongues …a Group of Perv Pig Tongues …including some Yng Fuckmeat/Cherry Virgins that U hunt so well….all working Hunter’s Cum filled Ass – is deff where I hope ur going to take ur camera and go deep along those Pigboi Asses …fuckin both Hunter and Cole…A Perv Pig cumfilled Rimming Sleaze Class!!!

    Alex ..An Ass Crack Perv Pig…who can’t get enough or deep enough between those Ass Cheeks!!!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Wow Alex, you just made my butthole pucker. 😉 Come and get it, stud! 🙂 – Hunter

  20. loco says:

    Tell you the truth, you are much more sexy and passionate as a liability and if I could rob you of Hunter, Hunter is more dominant but I only want sex and more sex, or bestial.

  21. Dan says:

    I do love your movies.. you two are so hot, and seem to know and performe in a way that is like watching in the privecey of your home… Every pic that I have ever watched of yours is soooo hot, I love the masculine, mans man and …. just cant express how good you two are…

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Dan, thanks so much man, we are having a blast doin what we do, we’ll keep em comin at you man. – Hunter

  22. Joe Munsey says:

    That was fucking Olympic ass eating. I cum every time I see this. Thanks you guys.

  23. Rick says:

    Guys fucking hot !!!!!!! You guys get me of harder and longer than anyother site i have found. Keep up the great work and THNAK YOU!!! come to the south sometime and let me show you the true meaning of “southern hospitality”

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Glad you like the site, Rick. We love love love southern boys. We’ll def let ya know when we come back down to your neck of the woods buddy. – Hunter

  24. Mano says:

    Thanks for the freebie!! It’s my first, but it will not be my last!! I can almost taste you both!

  25. Lou says:

    You guys are so Fuck’n sexy! You are both are equally as hot as the other.
    I enjoy watching the chemistry between the 2 of you guys.
    What I love the most is that you guys fuck like men! I’ll just keep fantasizing about you both eating my ass and plowing it for seed! Too Hot!!

    Keep up the good work!

  26. marcos says:


  27. ariel says:

    id love to, let s set up a plan, cant wait to watch u guys doing… 😛

  28. ariel says:

    hey guys, I just came without even touching myself, amazing man, hunter’s ass is so fucking yummy, id love more than anything to make my wish come true, eating his ass so bad.
    I live in NY, it would be awesome to meet up either here or in Boston.

    i really enjoy watching ur videos, Im still dreaming of Hunter’s ass.
    thanks guys

  29. D says:

    Fuckin hot! love these vids

  30. Jay says:

    Thanks for the really hot video. Hope you guys had a great holiday. All the best for 2011.

  31. kai says:

    Holy fuck! that video was hot!!!

  32. Jim says:

    You guys are great. Thanks for the great video. Would love to see a lot more of them

  33. Parker says:

    You guys are amazing – thanks for this “inspirational” vid! Keep UP the good work 🙂

  34. Frank says:

    hey !!! that was so cool !!! Thanks!!!

    I love you guys!!!

    happy new year
    from Mexico !!!

  35. Ed says:

    Guys… you’re too hot together! That video made me hard as a rock!

  36. Djordy says:

    This is amazing! I love it when youre going crazy with cum! Could you please do a vid whit a butt plug? I like a gaping hole too! I love to see Hunter’s hairy ass gaped!

  37. CharlieSig says:

    Thanks for the Christmas and New Year’s present of this great freebie. Keep up the great work…you guys are putting out some of the hottest porn out there today. I just love the fucking attitude and heat generated by your stuff…it always makes me rock hard and most usually ends up with me creaming.


    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Charlie, you made our year man 😉 – thanks for all the love and we’ll keep em comin at you, stay in touch buddy – Hunter and Cole

  38. Mark says:

    Thanks so much guys!! You two never fail to make me mess all over myself.. If you guys ever make it “down under” to Sydney I’ll be more than happy to show you around my ahem… outback

    Looking forward to many more messes with you guys in 2011!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks Mark, we’ve been dying to get down unda, Cole’s actually been before, we’ll def let you know when we do man, happy new year – Hunter

  39. Bruno says:

    That was delightful. I felt like I was right there with you! Thanks. Bruno

  40. nicka says:

    i don’t know who enjoyed that more, Cole, Hunter or me. All I know is I came w/o touching myself and can enjoy sucking the cum of my undies dreaming it’s your spunk!

  41. RJ says:

    you guys get me off like no other porn… so sexy keep it up

  42. J McDonald says:

    You two are so sexy and filled with so much cum. With all the sex you have I would think you would run out but you NEVER fail to let us down with all that yummy cum. I love the freebie videos as they are so hot! Happy New Year!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey thanks so much J, haha fortunately we seem to have a never-ending supply of man batter, we’ll keep it coming at you stud, keep in touch – Hunter

  43. Rick says:

    This was one of the hottest videos ever!! More of this!! Could je guys do something with fingering/dildo/butt plug? That would be really awesome!!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks Rick, glad to hear you liked it, hmmmm will see about toys, we did work over our buddy Niko with a few butt toys in “Hot Gym Fun”…let us know what you think man – Hunter

      • julian says:

        Here a guy from Uruguay, got very horny watching you. Are you couple? I have a fantasy to be with both of you 🙂 I will be travelling to USA so let me know lol. Honestly you awake my most morbid desires. Happy and hot new year

        • Cole and Hunter says:

          Hey Julian, thanks for your message man, yes we are a couple and have been together for over 10 years, we love making new friends man so let us know if you ever make it to Boston, take care stud – Hunter

  44. mikebear says:

    That was fucking hot, lucky Hunter getting two big loads out of one session

  45. niceguy1 says:

    holy crap…! you guys are gods together – and I wld love to be your sex slave!! If you ever are in town and wanna have some fun with a married-guy willing to “do it all”… shoot me a line and I’m there – seriously !!

    a big fan !

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey thanks stud, we LOVE sex slaves! hahah, sounds like a hot time man, but we only hook for video (not sure that’d go over so well with the misses), but if things change man you know where to find us 😉 – Hunter

  46. Buddy says:

    Awesome … Hunter cummin into his own mouth while your eatin his hole … Hot, sexy, masculine. Total nutt material. Thanks for the freebee guys.

  47. Steve says:

    Hey boys-
    Thanks for the free video! You guys are just fucking HOT and I really get into watching the chemistry that you guys have between you. My partner and I have similar magic like that too. Love your videos with the boys! Very very HOT the way you both take charge when having sex with them. Look forward to more good stuff from you two. By the way, what kind of video camera do you use?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Great to hear from you, Steve and you are most welcome man, we’ll keep em comin at you guys….we shoot with Panasonic Lumix cameras, specifically ones with Leica lenses, take care stud – Hunter

  48. Tom says:

    Hey Guys – Been a big fan of you both since your early XTube days – always
    love and nutt really big to all your posts. Happy New year, studs! Thanks
    again. This one even gave my tongue a hardon! Luv that Hunter’s hole – yumm.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Tom! Great to hear from you man, happy new year to you buddy boy, great to have you with us on our new site, def keep in touch – Hunter

  49. Michael says:

    I love you guys! Cole, you are the uber stud of all time, and Hunter, what I’d give for just a little taste!
    Happy New Year, fellas! XOX, Michael.

  50. rj says:

    Watching the 2 of you together gives me hope that there is someone for all of us. 10 years and your chemistry is real and you seem to bothe be having fun. Good for you and good luck to you both!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks RJ, there’s Absolutely someone out there for everyone, it just usually doesn’t happen when you go looking for it ;), I’m the luckiest guy in the world; I’m in love with my best friend, and I highly recommend it, keep in touch man – Hunter

  51. Roberto says:

    I’m in Brasil, and I like so much to see your videos.
    You’re so beautiful .
    Are you thinking to came here in Brasil ?????
    I wich that you have a Happy New Year, and begin brind us with your wonderful videos.


    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Happy New Year, Roberto! Visiting Brazil has always been a dream of ours and I think we might actually get to during the late Summer, we’ll keep you posted for sure buddy – Hunter

  52. curiousmguy says:

    holy fuck are you guys hot!

  53. Mark says:

    thank you very much for this christmas present!!! I’ve enjoyed so much with this free facial… I was waiting for it!! Thanks!

  54. MauiSurfDude says:

    That was totally hot dude – wow. You guys were made for each other. It was amazing dudes! More, more, more! Aloha – Justin

  55. Johnny says:

    Yes please make more. Don’t stop … ever.
    You guys are amazing and I love watching you.

  56. Curious College Kid says:

    Hey Maverick Men,

    I love your videos, they have given me countless orgasms! You are both extremely hot and the people in your other videos are extremely lucky.

    p.s. yes, keep making freebies 😉

  57. pat says:

    mmmm horny

  58. jc says:

    I seriously in love with u guys both are amazing keep it posting freebies it makes me happy (my penis) everytime i see u …. cool videos !

  59. patrick says:

    opps i see my comments are awaiting maderation! u didnt even notice see hot CRAZY you two have me hee hee

  60. patrick says:

    hmmm i am going to try this again my comments didnt make it last time! anyway so so hot because you guys are shows. taking a load in a mouth drives me NUTS i wish i could do it ! hope to see lots more of these great videos you guys rock and do a great job!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Patrick you rock stud, we love hearing that our stuff gets you off buddy, we’ve got many more cumin at you 😉 – Hunter

  61. patrick says:

    oh and the way you lap a bit of hunters cum into your mouth drives me NUTS! hee heee

  62. patrick says:

    holy crap makes me want to have someone shoot a load in my mouth too! i love cumming eating but too afraid to do it ;-0) thanks guys for taking me half way there at least ! HOT HOT HOT

  63. Lance says:

    More…MORE…MORE!!!! You guys are the hottest guys on the web. I stroke to you two all the fucking time.

  64. Howard says:

    Fucking HOT! I want some of that!

  65. ethan says:

    the perfect way to end my holiday…shooting my load to the two of you. so fuckin hot. thanks guys 🙂

  66. Kitamura says:

    Thank you for the video!! Very hot!

  67. Eric says:

    THAT was fucking HOT! I want to see you fuck his ass sometime!
    Merry Christmas to you two also!
    You are the best!

  68. steve says:

    very hot!! i love esating a great ass too,,and taking the load on my face,,more pls 😉

  69. JR says:

    That is some hot fuckin’ stuff, dudes! Thanks & happy holidays!!! 🙂

  70. hanafi says:

    thanks for the freebies

  71. robert says:

    Fucking unreal man I wish someone would allow me to eat their ass like that, dam i shot a massive load.
    peace and thanks rob

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Yeah, my man always takes my sexual needs very seriously 😉 glad you like the vid Robert, you need to snap us a pic of that massive load sometime 😉 – Hunter

  72. NMgelding says:

    Very nice guys. What a good cum eater. WOOF!

  73. Marty says:

    Thanks, guys. That was a great Christmas present!

  74. livebrains says:

    Really hot guys. Thank you for the XXXmas gift.

  75. Swimmer814 says:

    i wanna be in one of your videos so much!!! im a virgin!

  76. steve says:

    you guys rock, so sexy and hot. thanks for the freebie, please give us more (’tis the season)! can’t imagine not having you guys to jerk off to – keep ’em cummin’

  77. Jake says:

    Damn that was hot…slow jacked all the way till very end when I just blew my load…fuck wish I could do a threesome with those guys

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks Jake, when you are ready to star in a vid with us (assuming you are 18 or older), hit us up with pics 😉

  78. JR says:

    very hott ! !

  79. larry says:

    absolutely loved the cum shots, especially when the first guy shot his cum in his mouth…..almost made me cream in my pants….

  80. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ThatOneLAKid©. ThatOneLAKid© said: RT @themaverickmen: We just put up a new Feebie Vid on the site, just us two goin at it, ho ho ho 😉 […]

  81. RIguynextdoor says:

    wicked hot dudes! just shot a huge thick hot load watching this! you make me wanna bust the second you start going at it! keep up the hot work and ill keep on stroking to it 🙂 Happy Holidays!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey thanks stud!, glad you liked this one, love knowing that you are beatin that meat to us ;), we’ll def keep em cumin at you man – Hunter

  82. Rob says:

    You 2 are so fuckin hot! I love watching your vids!

  83. fbrand12345 says:

    hot as fuck guys 🙂 damn

  84. chunga says:

    fucking sexxy ass hell love to see him cum in hie own mouth hot

  85. Juan gonzalez (el chileno ) says:

    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!!! i love youuuuuuuuuu!!!!

  86. adrienne says:

    Santa Cole and Santa Hunter, thank you thank you thank you it’s just what I wanted! I love the two of you together and this one is SO good. I’m sure this will be one of my favorite gifts this year. Happy holidays to both of you. 🙂

  87. John says:

    Love your guys video’s. always so hot.

  88. M says:

    Very hot. I want more.

  89. logan says:

    you both are beautiful both inside and out–it makes me happy to see how much you all are into one another! I hope me and my boyfriend can be like you all years down the road!


  90. Jay says:

    definitely a hot show, fuck the 3rd guy for awhile, u guys should make more with u 2 for a bit, and fuck YEAH to the freebies, no porn better then free porn 🙂

  91. nathan says:

    the hottest pink hole meets the hottest daddy dick on cole. damn boys !! love the cum swallowing.

  92. dan says:

    thanks guys. hot hot video.

    hunter has the best ass!!

    lova ya. best of the holidays to you.

  93. jerry hall says:

    dam thats on hot video u alwayas do good

  94. ALex says:

    that was fucking hot…… makes me want to eat cum

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  1. Scott says:

    you know what else works for seducing straight guys? Pretening to be a hot chick on a website like AdultFriendFinder, and telling them they’d turn her on so much if they got with a guy, guy on guy is a big turn on for them! Not always,but some guys open up to it after that….that’s how I managed to suck off about 20 straight guys in the last 2 years…andI would probably say at least 10 have come back at least once more! 😛

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Holy crap Scott, that’s insane! Hahah, but seriously you gotta be careful with an approach like that (but I imagine the results are pretty hot). – Hunter

  2. brian says:

    Love, Love Love tongue-fucking and beautiful ass. My favorite thing to make a guy cum just by eating his ass. Would love to line the both of you up and take turns eating your hot asses and then you can shoot your loads all over me…

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Brian stud! You just reminded me of a time that a buddy of ours came over and I ate his delicious ass out so hard that he came without jacking his dick, was so so hot…you sounds like you got some skills man, come and get it 😉 – Hunter

  3. kyle says:

    I have never had luck with str8 guys, if i ever get to boston i am looking you guys up, for one, you are sooo hot and i would love to have fun with you and 2…i have to find out what step #6 is! 🙂

  4. Bill says:

    Nice thing, is that as partners you both have a special HOT relationship. You really do enjoy each other and it shows. Thanks for sharing with all

  5. Barry says:

    Hell yea that was super hot fuck I want more!

  6. Vincent says:

    Guys I love the action and chemistry that you two share

  7. Mac says:

    Phemomenal vid… love the cum swapping

  8. allen says:

    that was fucken hot need more on here

  9. adrienne says:

    Whatever your final secret is, it must be a doozy. Even with their faces obscured, those boys are all so pretty. And ALL the shirts are off, YAY!

  10. Chris says:

    I want to see this as a vid AAAAASSSAAAAAAPPPP!! 😀

  11. Jorge culo says:

    here in mexico I seduced many streigth guys, maybe ´cause I am so tender haha, I love them and they love me. I touch them bodies and they never said me not.


  12. Mark says:

    AHHH the art of straight boy seduction…I think some guys have it and some don’t…but for the some that don’t, there is a key ingredient…lol. Well and of course being hot masculine dudes like yourselves always eases them into it a little more.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks, Mark! Yeah, when it comes to seducing straight boys, a six pack of beer will usually win over a six pack of abs 😉

  13. Antonio J. says:

    oh that’s not fair!! I can’t go through step #4 to #5, so I can’t even try “my own #6” LOL
    XOXOX my lovely couple <3

  14. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by totally tyler, Dewayneinsd, ur lust &Desire, Kody w/ a K, Mr.B-Chill and others. Mr.B-Chill said: “@themaverickmen: Hey guys check out our six easy steps to straight boy seduction…”•• I'm going to try it! Love the vids […]

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December 13th, 2010

Hey guys, welcome to our first FRECKLE FUCKERS video, lol. We have known our buddy Conner for quite a while and he recently confessed that he wanted to do a video with us. Now you have to understand how strange this was to us because Conner has always been super shy, he has been over a few times in the past and we have only massaged, and he gave us head once but we have never kissed or fucked until this video, he says he has had oral sex a few times with some friends from school and got fucked twice, but since watching our videos he had decided to go all the way with us. He was so excited to kiss and so excited to try on one of our jock straps and even brought along his very own cock ring, lol. This boy is so cute with his zillion freckles and big blue eyes and we just loved nailing his sweet Irish ass. You guys will be happy to know he loved every inch of penetration and has since been back for more and more. Please let our sexy pal Connor know what you think of him and this seriously hot fuck video. Thanks for stroking with us
Cole and Hunter

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66 Responses to “WE ARE FRECKLE FUCKERS!”

  1. john says:

    Freckled Connor is awesome. Is there any way to get in touch with him?

  2. jkaruso says:

    OMG! I love our FREACKLED Fucked Friend, I know this is an old video, but I didnt have the chance to see it and i just love it It is my favorite from all the videos you both have filmed here!guy you are absolutely amazing fucking this guy!! would die to do a 4some with our friend and you two! haha Love from Panama!

  3. Gary says:

    I love your videos! You guys are great and love to watch you all the time. Keep up the good work.

  4. D'Juan says:

    Can I just tell you that i had to watch this soo many times cuz i couldnt get through it without wanting to “FINISH” Friggin hot!!!! Watching Hunter makeout with conner GEEZ!!!! Sexy ass Hell… Wow guys you just made my morning as usual!! :0)

  5. Don says:

    hey guys. oh man. is Conner cute? does Dolly Parton rest on her back? what a lil honey. those eyes, that arse! the kissing was just so sexy. passionate kissing is so under-rated and you hardly ever see it. it’s my all-time favourite activity and a guaranteed instant turn-on for me. you guys are my ‘bestest’ fantasy! keep up the good work and can’t wait to see more of Conner!!

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hahah, we agree Don, and Connor was such a great kisser for not having that much experience, we def need to have him back for another round – Hunter

  6. Ken says:

    Merry Christmas Hunter and Cole. You both are the hottest men on the internet. I love watching you clips.

  7. Morris says:

    fucking hot as hell dudes. love the cum swapping!

  8. Jorge culo says:


  9. Josh says:

    Im a latino also man 🙂 And Cole and Hunter You guys are the best 🙂 Would like to come over and show you two how seduction works 🙂 haha

  10. Mastik8 says:

    Hot. Very hot. I hope we see more vids of him. I can suggest a list of things you could get up to if you run out of ideas.

  11. David says:

    You were in Boston and I didn’t get to bottom for you? No fair 🙁

  12. Joey Lewis says:

    Very hot…sweet

  13. Jorge culo says:

    cole and hunter when i was younger i have a crazy dream, a really crazy one, to be a porn star, and show what i´ve got, i have a nice body, and have a nice face, ´cause I like to fuck, and I sometimes feel jelaous about you, you have a wbsite, and have an amazing love, but I know that I love you, and now I want to met you´cause I know we being friends, you are far away from here, but I hope someday I can talk with you face to face.


  14. Alejandro says:

    Me encantaria conocerlos y poder tener una muy rica sesion de sexo se ve que todos sus amigos disfrutan enormemente

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      My loose translation: I’d love to know and be able to have a very rich sex session sees all his friends are thrilled

      Thanks, Alejandro! Glad you liked the vid man. Keep in touch. – Hunter

  15. fbrand12345 says:

    he’s hot as fuck. loving the c’s jersey. and him in the jock and ball cap

    great work dudes 😀

  16. Manuel says:

    i just stumbled accross this website and this is hot right here
    i just turned 18 last week and i would love to star in one of your videos, just that i am afraid of getting rejected lol

  17. pat flynn says:

    come to Illinois sometime bring friends and plenty of cams!!!!

  18. Derrick from L.A. says:

    Good gawd, Connor is fucking GORGEOUS. I think I’m in love. LOL
    Kudos on finding this guy. He looks like a sweetheart… and like a lot of fun. Hell, I’m a bottom and even I want to fuck him. 😉

  19. Zack says:

    Going to try to hook him up with Victor?

  20. adrienne says:

    Connor, you have the most beautiful eyes! Another great preview, I especially liked the kissing. Hope to see more of this cutie.

  21. jesus says:

    pero me gustaria k fuera discreto me entienden ammm jejeje sy jesus

  22. Josh says:

    UGH!!! Im so Jealous I so want you guys to take me and take my virginity 🙁 I asked Santa this year for Cole and You Hunter we will see if he brings you guys to me 🙂

    -Much love your new frat boy JOSH from Oregon

  23. Kyle says:

    your videos are soo hot! i live in Boston and would love to do a video with you guys! But i might not be the right age. lol
    keep doing what you guys doing!

  24. pat flynn says:

    wish ii was there with you guys would love to have connor for some hot sex and you both too!!

  25. Maverick boy says:

    to cole or hunter, have u guys ever fucked a bear, or a guys with a nice muscular built and hairy like yourselves?

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey buddy, we’ve been on the lookout for a sexy bear dude to fuck down in a vid, if you know of any send him our way 😉 – Hunter

  26. Jerry says:

    God his ass looks tight. I wish you guys would fuck me like that. I saw you in P-town for bear week and was scared to come up to you guys.

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Hey Jerry, yeah Connor’s ass is super tight, and might delicious ;)…too bad we missed each other in Ptown, we’ll def be back next year, hope we can meet up then man, have a happy holiday – Hunter

  27. Sean says:

    This is one of the first websites I stumbled over after turning 18. Great work keep it up!!!!!

  28. jesus says:

    ola me gustaria ke me vinieran a penetrar estos dos jeje seve ke son muy buenos les dejo mi correo jeje soy un chavo buenaonda de 18 años konteten please

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      This is my best translation: I like me ke wave came to penetrate these two jeje ke seve are very good I leave my email hehe I am a guy 18 years konteten buenaonda please

      Hey Jesus, great to hear from you man, if you wanna star in a vid with us (and you are over 18 years old), then send us pics to, take care buddy – Hunter

      • Josh says:

        This is what he said studs 🙂 Hi i would love you guys to come and penetrate me you two haha you know that you guys are HOT im going to leave you my email haha im a very cool boy im 18 years old please email me.

        That’s what he said 🙂

        – Much love your new frat boy JOSH from Oregon

      • Carlos says:

        I think i can help here, he said

        Hello, i would like you two come and penetrate me hehe, I can see that they (you guys) are very goodm I leave you my mail………..hehe I’m a cool 18 year old guy, answer please

        you may had problems translating in google translator or whatever lol because he used some letters instead of the correct ones like when u is used instead of you haha, something like that

        this is my message

        Guys you are just effing amazing, your videos are the best thing in porn, the real element just make’em perfect and I’m always checking for the new stuff, keep “working” (this is not a job, is a lifestyle) and have an amazing and perfect life!

        Happy Holidays!!

        • Cole and Hunter says:

          Carlos you are a stud! Thanks for the help with that translation and thanks for the sweet words buddy; you made us smile. You have a happy one too man. – Hunter

          • Carlos says:

            if i made you smile that’s just enought for me, you always make us smile, enjoy, get hard and keep the hard on hahaha, and anytime you need a translation I’m right here, just a mail of distance

            btw I’m a 21 yo mexican…are you into latin guys with a really hot ass and body? hehe 😛

          • Cole and Hunter says:

            We LOVE sexy Mex boys! Send pics man, 😉

  29. jerry hall says:

    Conner ur hot and yummy

  30. moco says:

    I never thought I’d be into an Irish boy before (even though I’m half-Irish myself), but DAMN he’s a cutie. Very Nice!

  31. jerry hall says:

    love it guys best so far

    • Cole and Hunter says:

      Thanks Jerry, glad you liked it, we just heard from Connor today and I think we are gonna hang again soon, woo hoo! – Hunter

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