Hello clean kitty lovers! After getting asked this question ten billion times on our Tumblr and answering it to the best of our abilities, we continue to get asked how to clean your butt before sex. So, in an effort to answer the same damn question in a new and intriguing way I thought I’d consult with a few of our buddies in the porn industry. We hope you find this useful! Feel free to leave your clean kitty comments here under this post.


  1. Rajiv says:

    Thank you for this video. This was pretty informative and funny as well. Love all your contents and may you produce more!

  2. gayman says:

    hi there so what are the names of these boys you are filiming here

  3. Hamish says:

    Any news yet on Oh and by the way Happy New Year

    • Cole & Hunter says:

      Happy and healthy new year to you, Hamish! We have all the scenes edited for the site now (we need quite a few to launch). The site itself is designed and the black magic that needs to happen between the site and our VOD platform is being preformed now. I really think we’re a few weeks away from launching! 🙂 – Hunter

  4. Harry says:

    Whats the name of the guy using his phone that’s the expert.

  5. Little Wolf says:

    Thank you!!!! 😀

  6. Sean says:

    The immodium trick is smart but it wouldn’t be wise using it regularly.

    What I do is:
    1) go to the toilet and evacuate the bowls
    2) get a litre bottle of water with a sports cap; fill it with lukewarm water
    3) lubricate the cap with vasaline and insert. You then squeeze the bottle to push in the water.
    4) expel the water
    5) repeat 4 – 5 times until the water comes out clear.

  7. kidowww says:

    I hope you will fuck more hot asian

  8. Antoniounrael says:

    There is an Asian toilet thing just try to search “สายฉีดชำระ” on google images, that’s our secret 🙂

  9. Don says:

    What company/site are these very attractive guys from?!

  10. kyle says:

    Step 1
    Luke warm water, in douche (preferable a clean reusable douche)
    Insert in ass, push up. Fill with water. While keeping pressure on bulb. Pull out.
    Hold in for a bit, then release.

    Do so a few times.

    Taking immodium regularly can offset your GI tract and is not good for you.
    Also take a probiotic. Regular douching can lead to the destruction of good bacteria in your gut. You need that for regular evacuation.
    Bottom health, is good health.

  11. Gaymer says:

    I’m a noob, I don’t know any of these porn stars. But this is good advice… I’ve actually seen this one device that is a dildo that attaches to the shower head so you can rinse it out as a constant stream.

  12. steve says:

    You know you’re going to get that question at least a bazillion more times!
    Some guys just don’t pay attention!

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