We met this sexy fucking fuck Aiden Tyler on our twitter @ThemaverickMen. He hit us up and confessed that we were on his bucket list of guys he wants to bottom for hahah. We were very flattered and very fucking excited to get in his beautiful hairy man ass, we had a great time and we also hooked him up with some local model friends, those videos will be CUMing to MaverickMenDirects.com soon 🙂 In the mean time you will love, this nasty hot cum soaked threeway fuck session.
Sooo hot
Love the feet sniffing and fucking part more feet stuff guys
MaverickMen.com has a great and very unique style in all its videos. All these videos show gay sex as something that’s just plain fun for all the guys involved. I think that’s great!!!
What a really thoughtful thing to say and I appreciate that you see what we have been trying to do, make sex fun and good, I have said since the start, if you are not laughing before during or after sex you are doing it wrong lol
Would love to see Cole fucked by Hunter ! Now that would be HOT!