
Hunter and I were just saying how much we love hugging, especially each other. It’s something we do ALL the time, every day and every night. We do it because it helps us to feel closer to each other and even more loved. Hugging is simple and you may not put much thought into it, but it has a major impact on your health, both mentally and physically. Hugs have been shown to reduce heart attack rates, lower stress levels, lower blood pressure, increase nerve activity, and a host of other beneficial effects. Case in point: Hunter and I have noticed that when we big-welcome-hug a guy that’s come to our place to do a video, we can feel his stress and nervousness melt away in our arms. Their comfort levels are increased and they enjoy being around us even more. That initial hug can set the tone for the entire visit. From one hug we can usually tell if the video will be hot, or not.

Hugs are very revealing and they communicate many things to many people. A hug from a friend or family member can bring back happy memories and lets the hugee relive and FEEL those awesome moments. A hug creates feelings of acceptance and compassion that can sometimes be difficult to express thru conversation. Our skin is made up of many nerve fibers that spring into action when we are cuddled, stroked or gently touched. Hugging also boosts your immune system. Yup, that’s right; mild stimulation and light pressure on the sternum regulates your body’s production of white blood cells and in turn releases serotonin to help you get happier and less bitchy. Make hugging part of your daily diet! Remember, the longer you hold the hug, the greater the effect. Maybe even try the MaverickMen Hug: when you lift your shirts and press your bare tummies together as you hug. Or better yet, do it naked. But for fuck’s sake; just do it! Hug at least one person a day (you’ll be getting yours in, too).



3 Responses to “TO HUG ME IS TO LOVE ME”

  1. J. J. De La Paz says:

    I want to be in one of your videos please I LOVE YOU guys and I will do anything you want me to do for you both

  2. MissMercury/Mercurina says:

    Seriously, I’ve been thinking about how I would react if I saw you two for real… I’d HIDE! Hahaha Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. You and Cole are too hot. I’d faint… OR take you and keep you tied up in a dungeon. 😀

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