A magical anal unicorn came by the MaverickMenDirects.com shoot for a visit and as soon as he smelled a non-virgin bottom, he attacked and unfortunately it was one of our sexy bottom boys. The anal unicorn visits all the naughty bottoms out there that want their anal virginity restored. Is your cherry popped? Do you need virgin cherry pop restoration? If so, then leave us a message here telling us why you need your cherry back. If your story is hot and/or funny enough, maybe the magical anal unicorn will visit you and stick his magical virginity restoration horn in your bum. And if not, then Hunter and Cole will be more than happy to take a look at it for you.
Hot, will you ever make another video with an Asian guy? I wanna see that happen
Woof! We fuck em as they come to us, Tyler (meaning, if another Asian guy applies to be in a vid with us and it all works out, then we’ll shoot one.)! 🙂 – Hunter