We decided to make this special video for our little star, Billy. We call him a “STAR” not because he stars in a bunch of our videos, and not because he has literally hundreds of thousands of our Xtube fans going crazy over his hotness; we call him a Star because he shines like one to both of us. Whenever Hunter and I hang out with Billy he is always smiling, always laughing, and always ready to try something fun or hot with no bullshit or drama. He is a great and fun friend to us and we love him and wish him the very best in life.
This little video is one of our ways to show him how much we love him. If you want to see more of our little star, he is in a bunch of our videos…Virgin Cherry Pop “Gone Camping”, Overnight Fuckfest, etc. There are too many to mention all, but every one is worth checking out here in our videos section. Please show Billy some love and leave a comment here under this video.
Cole and Hunter
Does Billy have an x page ? How is he ?
Nope sorry, sexy Billy is retired from adult film and as far as I know he has no online presense.
Billy is a sweet and cute boy, I would love to date a guy like him x x x
I agree with all the sentiments – having Billy on the team has certainly made all you guys shine – he seems to bring out the best – in everybody 🙂
Hi guys, excuse me in first time for my english because I’m Italian and then because with this video seems as if Billy is dead!!! :S
I hope, that this video is only for rewarding its beauty!!!
Bye from Italy
Ciao, Fred! No, Billy is not dead; he’s alive and well and I just gave him a hug the other day! This vid is all about our love for (the very much alive) Billy! 🙂 – Hunter
Wow Wow what can be said after all the great comments about Billy the first Maverick Clip i saw was with Billy. I am a Silver Daddy and Making love not just sex but love to a guy like billy would be so goddamn fucking hot. Thanks for the smile on my face when i watch you on the Videos Retirement there is no such thing.
Billy is soooooooo cute and hot!!! I miss him so much that I almost cried after watching this lovely clip. BTW, is the first car in the video a Honda element?
We love our Billy boy! Haha, and yes, I’m pretty sure that’s an Element 😉 – Hunter
I think Billy is Sooooooooooooooo Hot! Would lov to meet him in person someday. Maybe pay for his trip here to SW Pa. for a long weekend at my retreat by the ski slopes.
Billy is the best, man! We’ll def pass along your love. – Hunter
Billy is just so HOT, HOT, HOT. Is he single? I would love to be his boyfriend. lol Like i said he is a HOTTIE!!!
We agree man, we love that Billy boy so much, I will def pass along your love 😉
Have u heard anything from Billy? I along with my roommate miss his HOT ass lol. u both need to contact him to make some more videos.
We hear from him all the time, Justin. I will def pass along your message; maybe we can finally pull that little cutie outta retirement.
Yes Billy, we love you! You’re the third Maverickman man for me. Best wishes Billy boy!
Billy is the absolute BOMB. Cute, sexy, real, and hungry for cock. God he is perfect for me. I would love to be friends with Cole and Hunter, share a beer with them, joke around, have a fun time. But Billy is MY TYPE, if you know what I mean! He is the HOT ONE that I’d willingly spent a fortune on to try to make HAPPY. I hope life is good to all three of you guys, but especially Billy. I hope that he finds complete happiness where ever he goes, and that he knows that he can always come back to his many friends HERE AT MAVERICKMAN if he ever needs or wants to.
Happy early Birthday Billy!! 🙂
I love you Cole and Hunter but Billy seems like an awesome guy i wish i knew him because i know we would be great friends. Anyways it’s because of you two and Billy i kept watching your videos I like Billy he is so cute and i hope he is doing well. Do you guys know what he is up to? Does he have a facebook or Xtube? profile?????
he should get to know me 🙂
I love your videos with Billy because they show three generations of gay!
Billy is my favorite MaverickMen fuckbuddy! The hottest vids of you guys fucking are the ones when you’re fucking Billy. Love him lots!!
I, too, love Billy – beautiful, sweet, sexy, full-of-boyish-goodness. And the way he takes a dick is ultra hot!
Billy is hot! He seems like a really nice, fun guy! You all are very lucky!
that was cute
Billy is a great guy i havent meet him but from what i heard from cole and hunter he is amazing
we love billy too! what a guy!
Billy is so adorable… having him be so hungry for cock both mouth and ass is great… his vocals are nothing to complain about either
YAY Billy is amazing!!! much love for him!!!
Billy is the perfect complement to you guys. young, hot, beautiful ass. And like you both he is a nice guy, n hidden agenda or drama. And me being a total bottom, i would love to lick his ass for hours, it looks so juicy!!!
I think I’m in love. At first look!